Wesley's STCCG card of the day #308

Hi, folks,

you'll get two COTDs today, the one I wrote yesterday somehow didn't get through to you, so enjoy the double. (Should you experience headspin or dizziness, you probably consumed a dangerous overdose; in this case immediately consult your playing partner. The only known therapy for COTD overdoses is a play session of at least three hours)

And in order to add a few lines to your mailfile, let's try this card (with support by Locutus):


Dilemma, Either, rare QC.
Opponent chooses a number X. Randomly examine crew or Away Team one by one. If (Integrity + Cunning - Strength) = X, discard that personnel and dilemma.
"An Acamarian of the clan Talesta. Carrier of a microvirus engineered to instantly kill anyone with a particular genetic makeup."
A super-Armus. That is, if you have a good memory. Because you'll need the "Yuta numbers" in order to get the right person. And as I am lazy, I am just using the list Locutus was so friendly to compile:





So much for this. Keep it handy when playing Yuta (although it won't be permissible in tournaments - you'll just have to memorize the important numbers. Don't choose a number that is not present...)

Ah, review? Right. Armus was a good card. This one's better. First advantage: It's Space and Planet. This alone makes Yuta a much better card than Armus, you just can't get stuck with it against a pure space deck.

Second: Armus is random, Yuta is not. You almost get to choose the personnel who is going to die. Tired of that Roga Danar? Say 2. Need to nail Bev Crusher to disable the Genetronic Replicator? Choose 11. Just make sure you don't overlook any attribute enhancers. Phasers get the numbers down by 2, PADDs increase by 2 and Lower decks is a +2 on all universals. That unpronouncable fish cancels itself out; Interphasic Plasma creatures give +2 and the Varon-T disruptor causes really weird changes as does Rascals. Easiest to calculate: Frame of Mind. Sets any result to an exact 3.

Now what if you desperately want to kill a specific personnel but your opponent was so nasty to play a useless card with the same magic number? Hehehe, how about Brain Drain? Double nasty on a good MEDICAL destined to operate the Genetronic Replicator. Drain Beverly Crusher down to a Yuta 3 and hit her with the Dilemma. There isn't much competition for a 3 in a Fed deck. A Barclay's or similar stuff can then take care of the rest of the crew. (Add in a Tarellian Plague ship for extra fun). Why the Yuta here? Two things: First, Beverly could still go to the plague ship or function as MEDICAL even if Brain Drained (classification is not removed) and second, you don't need to rely on that Brain Drain being in your hand do much.

Actually, for my taste, this Dilemma is already a little too strong especially if you know your numbers well. Six of these in a deck can spoil a lot of strategies and opportunities for nasty combos abound if you have a killer that (nearly) unpreventably gets rid of a person of your choosing if you have any kind of luck.

Cure: Marouk. Serious crews can't afford to be without her.

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for : YUTA

Wesley's rating:                9.9
Cole's rating:                  8.0
Drew's rating:                  9.9
Gowron's rating:                8.0
Hal's rating:                   6.8
Jack's rating:                  6.9
Mot's rating:                   9.75
Nanite's rating:                8.0
Nog's rating:                   8.5
Nouwa's rating:                 9.5
Picarde's rating:               7.5
Q's rating:                     9.9
Ranger's rating:                9.5
Rothspar's rating:              ---
Tebok's rating:                 9.8
Tony's rating:                  8.0
AVERAGE RATING:                 8.6

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher
Primary member of the STCCG Players' committee

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"