my turn again ? Hrmph. Guess I'll just do it...
ARRRRRGH! WHY whywhywhywhyoooooooowhyyyyyyyyyyyy? (sob)
[Message from Internet surveillance: we have temporarily lost contact with Wesley. We do our best to get him back out of the asylum ASAP.]
Hi, folks,
they let me back out. And I can even look at that card without falling into fits. (They created a special version for me with a certain line blanked out.) So what we have is a hologram with command ability, good for redshirting (if you have a projector) like any holo and with two decent skills. And good stats, too. One of the better uses is to have him fly a runabout or medium size ship. Even if your entire crew gets disabled by something nasty like a Ktarian Game, you can still get them somewhere where you can find help instead of having to distract the able-bodied personnel from their jobs until you can get the affected crew back. But in the end he's, well only a holo. Neat for space mission decks, but not for much more. Though he might be a basis for an all hologram deck. A handful each of Einstein, Brahms, Rice and Jera, plus a F/R treaty, let's find some missions for that deck. Investigate Disappearance, Repair mission, Explore Black Cluster, Explore Typhone Expanse, Test Mission. That's five. While we're at it, add some K'Teshs and the other treaties and we can now solve Study Nebula, Survey mission, Investigate Shattered Space and Study Stellar Collision and simplify the two "Explore..." missions above. Hmm... do I smell a deck concept ?
[Message from Internet surveillance: we have temporarily lost contact with Wesley. We do our best to get him away from that new holo-deck he's just assembling...]
Wesley's rating: [we found a note with 5.5 scribbled on it] Cole's rating: 8.0 Conner's rating: --- Hal's rating: 7.5 Heather's rating: 7.5 Jack's rating: 6.7 John's rating: 7.5 Lore's rating: 9.0 Movar's rating: 7.5 Ray's rating: 6.0 Serge's rating: 8.0 Tony's rating: 7.5 ---------------------- AVERAGE RATING: 7.3
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With all back issues from #1 up to today !
[Internet surveillance taking over for
Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord] :-)
"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"