Wesley's STCCG card of the day #91

Hi, folks,

let's play a little game... A


Dilemma, Space, rare.
Place on ship. Now and at start of eah of your turns, one person aboard (ran- dom selection) is disabled. Cured when non-disabled CUNNING>30 OR android aboard.
"Psychotropically, mesmerizingly addictive game device. One by one, its players are made susceptible to complete mental control."
This card once inspired me for another personnel card :

Integrity 5, Cunning 6, Strength 4.
ENGINEER, Computer Skill.
If Robin Lefler and Wesley Crusher are on the same ship they each have CUNNING=16.

'Nuff said ? This Dilemma is way too easy to overcome with any kind of decent cew. As a common, I would have accepted it, maybe as an uncommon. But as a rare ? When all the great personnel are floating around ?

The only way to nail a crew with this one is to first get them into a working Nagilum to really decimate them. Blasting just a single crewmember won't nor- mally help (except maybe against Klingons).

With that Robin Lefler card it would just have been a nice tribute to one of the best episodes and realistic enough, too. (Wes and Robin solved this one).

A little rules notice: This Dilemma only DISABLES the crew. So even if the whole crew is eliminated, it is not discarded. If you're able to send another ship with the 31 CUNNING, you can instantly reactivate them !

BTW: Shaka is much better. The 30 CUNNING are augmented by 2 Diplomacy and it's Planet and Space...

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for : KTARIAN GAME

Wesley's rating:                4.5
Conner's rating:                ---
Phil's rating:                  8.0
Michael's rating:               6.4
Owen's rating:                  7.4
Ian's rating:                   6.7
Cole's rating:                  4.0
Jack's rating:                  8.0
Jason's rating:                 7.0
Jeff's rating:                  7.7
AVERAGE RATING:                 6.6

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: blohmer@pips11.informatik.uni-mannheim.de

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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"