Wesley's STCCG card of the day #140

Hi, folks,

at three days remaining to AU, let's get quick finishing OUR universe:


Personnel, Federation, rare.
Integrity 6
Cunning 7
Strength 4
OFFICER, Leadership, Exobiology, Command Star (*)
"Lt. Commander Shelby is an ambitious Starfleet officer. Assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise as a specialist on the Borg."
A card that really does not fit with itself. Although the skills fit the episode very well, her two abilities (crappy for a Fed rare) do not harmonize game-wise. Being an OFFICER with Leadership once again totally nullifies the value of the classification, so they could have as well made her a VIP.

The rest, Leadership and Exobiology are two skills which are both on the better end of the scale but not at the very top. The trouble: They don't fit together. Six Fed missions do require Leadership and four need Exobiology. Unfortunately none of them requires both. And have you ever seen a regular (basic rules) game where one player has 10 missions ?
Recommendations: Use Roga Danar and Evek for Leadership or Richard Galen for Exobiology. Their complementary skills just fit better.

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for : SHELBY

Wesley's rating:                5.0
Lore's rating:                  6.2
Owen's rating:                  7.0
Ian's rating:                   6.5
Jack's rating:                  5.0
Jason's rating:                 6.5
Cole's rating:                  7.0
Mark's rating:                  Another one lost in the rm :-(
Movar's rating:                 6.5
Serge's rating:                 6.0
Andrew's rating:                6.5
Ted's rating:                   3.5

PS: Sorry for the last two posts getting a little mangled. Netscape had its own ideas concerning line wrapping :-(

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"