Wesley's STCCG card of the day #293

Hi, folks,

an uncommon I would not have dared to make, not even as a rare:


Personnel, Federation, uncommon QC.
Integrity 7
Cunning 7
Strength 4
SCIENCE, Missions you solve are +5 points. Bonus points lost if you ever battle in this game. Computer Skill, Physics, Staff Star (+).
"Developer of the 'Mordock Strategy'. Became first Benzite in Starfleet, outscoring Wesley Crusher for appointment to the Academy. Looks like Mendon."
Okay, I'll leave the snide Wesley remarks to you (however, how can a 7 Cunning Benzite outsmart an 8 Cunning Terran? Decipher screwed up here - should have been 9 Cun...). And now that we finally know what Mendon looks like ("Looks like Mordock - who looks like Mendon - who oh stop that") another problem just has left our world.

But there's one that just entered our world. Err - the world of our opponents! A Federation SCIENCE guy with two usable skills is good. But a Federation SCIENCE guy with two usable skills and the ability to save you a mission is awesome. Right - this Mordock guy is like getting a mission for free. After 3 missions, you'll usually have around 95 points unless you scored several points from Dilemmas. And with Mordock this 95 is a 110. Or like a game won.

And even better: You don't need to carry him around as Dilemma bait. ANY mission you solve gets the point bonus. Even if Mordock is sitting at your outpost and having a good time in the holosuite.

Only problem: You may not battle. That means not at all, so you should better make sure you don't get attacked. Temporal Rifts help by eliminating that potential attacker for quite a little time and when he comes back you'll hopefully be somewhere far away. I also assume that if you don't retaliate you won't lose the points either. So stock up on shield enhancers and make sure they won't hit you on a planet with superior numbers. Yeah, that pesky K'Vort ship might escape your Wrath (of Wesley ;-) ), but then, 15 points are 15 points or do I get something wrong here ?

Anyway, a sure 3-mission win with a potential for being a 2-mission one (take 2 35's and stock a 10 pt. Dilemma (combo) under each) is nothing I'd neglect. Try with Evaluate Terraforming and Investigate Time Continuum + 2 Barclay's Diseases. For laughs: Beverly Picard + Mordock + Data + Roga Danar. Plus 5 Federation PADDs, 2 Barclay's, 2 Q, 2 Iconian Gateways. The rest of the deck? Kevins, Amandas, Q2s, Temporal Rifts, Kivas, Traveler. Hit the Barclay's for 10, the Q to get rid of any remaining Dilemmas, use Kevin/Amanda/Q2 for nasty Q-Flash cards and get the mission. Step through the gateway, repeat. Did you think one can really win the game with 4 personnel?????????

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for : MORDOCK

Wesley's rating:                9.0
Allen's rating:                 6.8
Cole's rating:                  6.5
Data's rating:                  8.0
Drew's rating:                  9.985768
Hal's rating:                   9.8
Jack's rating:                  6.6
Mot's rating:                   7.5
Nanite's rating:                9.0
Nouwa's rating:                 7.0
Picarde's rating:               6.5
Q's rating:                     8.0
Ranger's rating:                6.4
Rothspar's rating:              7.0
Tania's rating:                 6.5
Tony's rating:                  8.0
AVERAGE RATING:                 7.7

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"