Wesley's STCCG card of the day #322

Hi, folks,

how about a ho(m)norable servant to all empaths?


Personnel, Federation, rare QC.
Integrity 9
Cunning 3
Strength 9
CIVILIAN. Empaths may report for duty where present, May nullify Empathic Echo where present.
"Silent, imbibing, lurching, uttaberry-eating, faithful servant of Lwaxana Troi. The only words he was known to speak were 'Thank you for the drinks.'"
Ha! Lurch-ing, eh? Sure...

Anyway, something rather new in STCCG. Something like a living outpost. Only that you can't use him to get all those ships, equipments and non- Empaths to the place you need them at. But at least those Empaths get there.

So let's make use of the situation. First, what is it worth? You can play a card to your crew after they left the outpost. Ideal for situations in which

The first situation usually isn't worth it. Empaths are mission-solvers not Dilemma insurances. Which means you wouldn't start hadn't you already drawn one, unless you go for a different mission and want to take the Empathy mission on your way back home.

But the second situation could be quite interesting. Somehow your Red Alert is buried at the bottom of your draw deck (or worse - in your binder) and you urgently want to start scoring. Well, get these Empaths to the team while you're already underway. Also helps against misplaced Kevins (i.e. those used against you ;-) ).

Or, of course, play a deck that makes several cards in your opponent's deck totally useless. Like one that has no Events or Interrupts except for a Kevin Uxbridge (just submitted one of these for Tebok's DOTW). As you can use Soong-Type Androids with Cybernetics to speed up your card play you have a good way to get classifications out quickly and then your Empaths can solve the missions. There are enough missions in Fed and F/R to do just this. The fun here is to go out with just one Empath and a mission he/she can solve and bring the remaining ones to your ship with Homn without ever returning home. Plus, additional STA's can become CIVILIANs and score big in a Colony. Nasty against those guys who think 6 Kevins and 5 Amandas make a great deck.

Oh, nullify Empathic Echo? C'mon, you have SECURITY and MEDICAL, don't you?

A specialized but interesting card.

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for : MR. HOMN

Wesley's rating:                5.5
Cole's rating:                  7.0
Data's rating:                  8.0 
Drew's rating:                  7.7
Gowron's rating:                6.0
Hal's rating:                   8.1
Jack's rating:                  6.3
Mot's rating:                   6.5
Nanite's rating:                8.0
Nog's rating:                   5.0
Nouwa's rating:                 6.5
Picarde's rating:               7.0
Q's rating:                     5.5
Ranger's rating:                6.1
Rothspar's rating:              6.0
Tebok's rating:                 5.0
Tony's rating:                  7.5
AVERAGE RATING:                 6.7

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher
Primary member of the STCCG Players' committee

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"