I'm back from that little hiatus (somebody discovered me hiding under
an STCCG card, oops ;-) )
Eh, what was that? Hiding under an STCCG card?
As in...
Or is it? How about doing it the other way round? The Federation is not too well equipped with good SCIENCE personnel. But in any Diplomacy/Empathy deck, I am not looking for scientific skills, but just for the classifications to pass the Dilemmas. Which means with an early Mirasta Yale I do not have to wait for a SCIENCE to come up in my draw deck which means two cards saved there. Optimum way to play this? Seed your outpost close to First Contact but not on it. Use Runabouts as fast ships and get Mirasta soon (using Sarjenka for 5 extra points and to avoid nasty Dilemmas that might lie in waiting). Beam back up and reunite your crew. Then start your regular mission solving spree a turn or two earlier than normal.
So what's the end result? Any deck with a Diplomacy component gets 10 free points and a free card if played right. Guess I like that card...
Wesley's rating: 8.5 Allen's rating: 6.8 Cole's rating: 6.5 Data's rating: 6.8 Drew's rating: 6.1 Gowron's rating: 3.9 Hal's rating: 5.7 Jack's rating: 7.2 Mot's rating: 6.5 Nanite's rating: 6.0 Nog's rating: 5.0 Nouwa's rating: 5.5 Picarde's rating: 7.0 Q's rating: 8.5 Ranger's rating: 6.5 Rothspar's rating: 6.5 Tania's rating: 6.0 Tebok's rating: 5.0 Tony's rating: 7.0 ---------------------- AVERAGE RATING: 6.4
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Wesley Crusher
Temporarily immortal STCCG Lord
"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"