how about the youngest personnel in the entire game (at least until they publish the other Ian Andrew Troi)?
Then, he's also one of the three Klingons usable for a pure Fed deck. With K'Ehleyr (only marginally better) and Worf, you might not only build an Honor deck (Wormhole negotiations can be done by these three), but also use the Klingon-enhancing interrupts. Your Rommie friends will think twice before attacking that vulnerable Fed team if they don't know whether you might hold an Honor Challenge in your hand.
And if the game really runs badly and you lose one Klingon after the other? Try Klingon Death Yell and snatch at least a few points from a failed mission attempt.
Lastly, Alexander & Co make fair additions to a Klingon deck. Use him as an excuse to seed a second (Neutral!) Outpost, and throw in a Treaty Federation/Klingon and use Alexander plus the Treaty to sneak into your opponent's Fed missions (true, you could also do that with an Espionage card, but that one only works on one mission - this combo works on all of them.) Why Alexander instead of Worf? Because you tend to rely on a powerful off-color card to solve missions and then you're in deep trouble if you don't draw that treaty. With Alexander, you're not usually in this danger. If you are really sure you can avoid that trap, just use Data or any other great Fed personnel. Unless of course, you want to use K'mtar in order to give little Alex a big boost, but that already implies relying on the treaty again...
- Alexander + Worf + K'Ehleyr. Lotsa blue-bordered ridgeheads...
Wesley's rating: 4.5 Q's rating: 4.5 Ranger's rating: 4.5 Ray's rating: 4.5 Cole's rating: 3.0 Conner's rating: 3.0 Data's rating: 3.0 Tania's rating: 3.0 Tony's rating: 3.0 (hey, come on, this gets boring ;-) ) Jack's rating: 6.4 Nanite's rating: 5.1423 (Nanites...) Nouwa's rating: 5.0 Rothspar's rating: 5.0 ---------------------- AVERAGE RATING: 4.2
(These ratings have not been influenced in any way!)
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