with only three workdays to go before I can take my annual holidays (no fears: I'm not traveling...), I could rather take a good look at this:
But if you do use these two, do't forget to throw in several non-aligneds (at least Roga Danar and Vekor) to get skills for Qualor II Rendezvous, which, with Amarie already present, is a kind of bargain.
The rest? Oh, you want to solve four more missions? Too bad. I don't know any mission that complements this selection well enough to be worth recommending. Maybe in the next expansion, we should see some more missions that can make use of the till-now neglected skills, but at current time, this is not enough for a full deck's complement.
And the Jamaharon factor? You get a portable Male's Love interest. Not too bad, but don't forget to make full use of it. Send some Redshirt in a Runabout to visit the Cytherians and then have him get some feelings and instantly return to Risa (without his ship). How convenient if you just built your outpost here... This way you get 15 points per trip and even get your crew back.
In this case, you're not even that interested in the missions, so you could as well build your deck around Risa + Qualor (+ 3 Cytherians). Yet another idea for Nick, eh? (BTW: This one also works to retrieve a love-interested male from a distant planet you never intended to visit...)
- Risa + Outpost + Jamaharon + your stranded male
Wesley's rating: 6.0 Cole's rating: 4.5 Conner's rating: --- Data's rating: 5.0 Hal's rating: 6.1 Jack's rating: 6.9 Nanite's rating: 4.0 Nouwa's rating: 4.5 Q's rating: 7.0 Ranger's rating: 5.2 Ray's rating: 6.0 Rothspar's rating: 5.0 Tania's rating: 4.5 Tony's rating: 5.0 Wa'Qah's rating: 5.0 ---------------------- AVERAGE RATING: 5.3
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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord
"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"