before there is another request for more Rommies, I'll just jump in there without further reminders:
And besides: There is a handful of Romulans whom the +1 boost will help to go from 4 to 5. Thei, Jaron, Tarus, Varel, Tomek and of course the two MEDICALs all now live instead of dying. That's what I call a life insurance.
And D'Tan's second plus is his CIVILIAN classification, finally giving Romulans a chance at using that Kurlan Naiskos without non-aligned support (which is not that great in the CIVILIAN corner anyway except for Lakanta). Try Mirok, Takket, Sela, D'Tan, Tomalak and Jaron for a crew that is firestorm-proof, Q-Net-immunized and capable of commanding that 30/27/24 Naiskos'ed Decius to wreak havoc throughout the Galaxy. Add a Bynar Weapon Enhancement for extra fun and go hunting for Borg ships and Federation Outposts. Or use a Captain's Log for good measure (i.e. 30/36/33. Ouch.)
The remaining skills are just a ho-hum. Archaeology might sometimes (Charybdis) come in handy, but Youth is an abundant skill in Romulan crews who have to go with several commons to supplement needed classifications.
Anyway, a good fix for one of the prime Romulan weaknesses.
- The above crew + ship.
Wesley's rating: 7.0 Cole's rating: 5.8 Conner's rating: 6.5 Heather's rating: 7.5 Jack's rating: 8.0 John's rating: 6.5 Q's rating: 6.0 Tony's rating: 8.5 ---------------------- AVERAGE RATING: 7.0
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