Wesley's STCCG card of the day #314

Hi, folks,

this one will be the second last classic. Yes, I know, it's only #23, but #24 is Mot and before I redo him, I'll wait for the resolution of the Barbering gag, so here's the penultimate classic:

Classic COTD #23


Personnel, Romulan, rare.
Integrity 6
Cunning 9
Strength 8
V.I.P., Diplomacy, Leadership, Treachery, Youth, Command Star (*).
"1/2 Romulan, 1/2 Human female. Daughter of alternate timeline Lieutenant Natasha Yar. Powerful operative and key figure in the Romulan hegemony."
(Now of course, I'm stealing our good Major Rakal a card to review, but I have a schedule to follow...)

Our good Sela is the only pre-QC Romulan with four skills, and she's also the most famous of them all. But when I look at those skills, they're not that great. Diplomacy is a must in any deck for Shaka and Q-Net, but non-aligned figures like Dathon, Devinoni Ral, Maques and Marouk can take care of that just as well, with the added bonus of two of them having Empathy, too, and the other two capable of nullifying some Dilemmas as well.

Youth, well, err, not very useful. Especially as there are exactly two Romulan-doable missions that require Youth and both are triple affiliation and they, well, s*ck for Romulan use. (Study Plasma Streamer is okay for Feds because of Wesley, but for Romulans? No single card Astro / Youth combination).

Leadership? Well okay, but don't you have a Roga Danar somewhere? (If not, trade your Sela for him, you'll easily get that trade...) That guy is really useful, unlike what we saw of Sela until now.

Then, Treachery. A cute skill and many Romulan missions need multiples of it, but then so many Rommies have it.

Skill combinations: 3 useful ones for Pegasus Search, but that thing needs INTEGRITY > 40, so you'll need a big Romulan crew if you want to do it without the Artifact. Maybe the Leadership + Treachery on Covert Installation, but you can do that with Roga Danar and any other Treachery. That's about it. High Attributes are okay, but did they have to make Cunning a 9? One Hunter gangs, and so long, Sela! Yuta number 7... Maybe that makes Sela worth something - as an uncertain protection for Taris (only one other Rommie has that 7: Tokath, but who plays him?). At least she's Firestorm-proof.

Well, so much for a card that could have been far better. Give her an OFFICER skill to make her attractive for Naiskos decks, or a built-in Espionage: Rom on Fed would also have been nice. This way: Binder stuffing.

Oh, BTW: At least one rater noticed that Sela's a Sirol minus ENGINEER and Navigation. Just blonde. (Thanx, Tebok ;-) )

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for : SELA

Wesley's rating:                5.0
Cole's rating:                  7.2
Data's rating:                  8.2
Drew's rating:                  8.1
Gowron's rating:                8.7
Hal's rating:                   7.7
Jack's rating:                  7.1
Mot's rating:                   9.6
Nanite's rating:                9.8
Nog's rating:                   8.0
Nouwa's rating:                 8.0
Picarde's rating:               7.5
Q's rating:                     7.5
Ranger's rating:                7.8
Rothspar's rating:              8.0
Tebok's rating:                 8.0
Tony's rating:                  9.5
AVERAGE RATING:                 8.0

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher
Primary member of the STCCG Players' committee

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"