another AU babe you won't want to miss:
And this is not just a picture detail but it is also reflected in the card itself. She's pretty much the same thing (like majority of the picture), except for that built-in phaser (the slight difference). Which is the first of two points why this card is good.
With Yellow Alert and Uxbridge, keeping your Red Alert in play is less than assured so actually playing 2 cards' worth of stuff with just one card to put out means one turn advantage. Even if you have that Alert and the Traveler it's still half a turn as you still have to count your card draws. And having 31 cards to draw from a draw deck of 30 is also an aspect of this miracle (assuming 30 seed cards, natch!) And the second point? Easy. Tasha is a good card. Even the original one. But she's unique, so you can't play two of her, right ? NOT! No colon - no duplication, do you get it ? And two Tashas might make your opponent think twice about attacking you.
Oh, BTW: You already know AU symbols along with a star can be quite useful, don't you ?
Wesley's rating: 8.0 Cole's rating: 7.0 Conner's rating: 5.5 Heather's rating: 9.5 Jason's rating: 8.0 Matt's rating: --- Movar's rating: 9.0 Serge's rating: 8.0 Tony's rating: 9.0 John's rating: 8.0 Lore's rating: 6.5 Hal's rating: 8.0 ---------------------- AVERAGE RATING: 7.9
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"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"