Wesley's STCCG card of the day #360

Hi, folks,

here's a Stellar way of scoring:


Personnel, Federation, uncommon QC.
Integrity 7
Cunning 6
Strength 6
OFFICER, Navigation, Stellar Cartography, Youth, Scores 5 points if helps solve Explore Dyson Sphere. Staff Star (+)
"Ensign Rager is an experienced Conn officer. Served on the U.S.S Enterprise from 2367 to 2369. Piloted the ship inside a Dyson Sphere found near Narpin V."
Another addition for the highly effective defensive Federation Space decks and the almost first reason to play Dyson Sphere.

Yes, really, why use Explore Dyson Sphere (rare, 35, span 2, requires ENGINEER x3, Navigation, Computer Skill, Physics) if you can instead as well use Repair Mission (common, 35, span 2, requires ENGINEER x3 and Computer Skill)? Hmmm, I don't get it unless you have someone with Physics and Navigation in a Cryo under Repair or you have Rager. This combo actually gets you somewhere. Have an AU Physics guy and a BGB in your Repair mission Cryo and play with a high number of ENGINEERs. Solve repair, use BGB to get Rager if you didn't draw her before, do Dyson Sphere and then Study Stellar Collision. (You need the 5 points from Rager as SSC is only worth 25). Score = 100 unless you hit something nasty (The Higher...) in the process.

However, why stop there? Cartography can as well get you a few more points with Explore Black Cluster and Study Nebula. 35+35+25, very close to 100 and you should be able to find the last 5 with a Dilemma or a Cryo plus Ressikan Flute.

Hmmm, a Stellar Cartography deck? Not the worst idea. Actually, I built one (tried to get the ultimately fast Fed Space deck). The target number was 11 personnel (wanted that many Events and Interrupts) and I had the Dyson Sphere and all three Cartography missions in it.

Well, my final personnel selection : Rachel Garrett, Jenna D'Sora, Dr. Reyga, Richard Galen, Roga Danar, Katherine Pulaski, Scotty, Picard, Worf, Bev Crusher, Vekor.

WAIT A SECOND! I just built a deck customized for Rager and what happens? She's not in there !!! Oops... Yes, she's an okay card and she was in the deck for quite some time. But when the final tweaking came around, I ditched Study Plasma Streamer for Investigate Rogue Comet (Picard was only there for his 2 Diplomacy) and swapped Rager for Galen. So the Rager deck was finally played without Rager ;-)

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for : RAGER

Wesley's rating:                7.0
Allen's rating:                 7.0
Cole's rating:                  7.0
Cpt. Stasis' rating:            7.5
Data's rating:                  6.7
Drew's rating:                  7.1
Gowron's rating:                7.1
Hal's rating:                   8.5
Jack's rating:                  6.4
Locutus' rating:                7.5
Mot's rating:                   7.5
Nanite's rating:                7.59
Nog's rating:                   5.0
Nouwa's rating:                 6.5
Picarde's rating:               6.0
Q's rating:                     4.5
Rothspar's rating:              5.0
Tania's rating:                 5.5
Tebok's rating:                 6.5
Tony's rating:                  7.9
AVERAGE RATING:                 6.7

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher
Temporarily immortal STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"