Wesley's STCCG card of the day #160

Hi, folks,

just visited a few of the Dream card sites... Hmm...Great! Why don't we just let the game die, so Decipher will no longer pursue their copyrights and then make our own game ? We'd probably be a LOT faster putting out expansions than them :-)
Nope. Just kidding. On to what you guys been waiting for all night:


Personnel, Federation, rare AU.
Integrity 9
Cunning 7
Strength 5
OFFICER, Honor, ENGINEER, Leadership, Diplomacy, Astrophysics, Command Star (*), AU Icon.
"Captain of U.S.S. Enterprise-C when it entered a temporal rift during the Battle of Narendra III in 2344. Ordered a return to the historic battle from 2366."
Okay, half a Picard (OFFICER, Diplomacy, Leadership, Honor) plus half a Data (ENGINEER, Astrophysics) and all that a lot cheaper than the top two cards on every price list. Nearly Tsiolokvsky-proof (one of her least valuable skills will go), thus also laughs about Rascals. And female on top of it. We finally got a really good lady who is not a doctor !

In Detail: besides her basic useless OFFICER classification she got a skill list that reads like the 'who is who' in useful stuff. ENGINEERs are always handy (one of the reasons Data is so good), as there is no limit to the number of ENGINEERs that can give you a benefit in a single crew (Nutational shields!). Astrophysics is one of those rare skills you can build a fast and effective space mission deck around. And then the all-too-often mentioned Klingon skill triade Honor, Leadership, Diplomacy, but this time in a Federation officer with good stuff to complement it.

And the stats, well almost a Picard.

But there's another thing about her: flexibility in filling crew requirements. With all the big AU ships around here, an AU icon is never a big minus (though it makes the card a little riskier). But the catch is, you can choose to use her either as a commander or an AU which allows you to staff your ships that much faster (Magic players know this flexibility from the Dual Lands!). A well-rounded card, and she can get the Captain's Log bonus on the Enterprise-C, making it a whopping 8/10/11 - Ouch!

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for : RACHEL GARRETT

Wesley's rating:                8.5
Cole's rating:                  8.6
Hal's rating:                   8.5
Heather's rating:               8.0
John's rating:                  8.5
Lore's rating:                  8.4
Jack's rating:                  7.9
Matt's rating:                  ---
Mike's rating:                  8.8
Movar's rating:                 9.0
Serge's rating:                 8.0
Tony's rating:                  9.0
Owen's rating:                  8.6
Ian's rating:                   8.7
AVERAGE RATING:                 8.5
Now that's a close opinion! Don't know how far we have to go back to get ALL raters into a range of 1.1 points!!! Finally we all agree!
Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

Visit the NEW Web Page! http://www.worldonline.nl/~ldp/COTD.html
With all back issues from #1 up to today !
(And by this I mean ALL issues :-) )


Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"