let's take a stab at this:
So where do I put this Nausicaan guy? In a Klingon deck? Nope. Not in a Romulan deck either. Rather, I'll throw that guy into a Federation deck!
You'll ask "Has he gone crazy?"(no) or "Is he drunk today?"(no). I'm sane and sober. The best surprise value is a strong battle hidden component hidden away in an oh-so-peaceful Federation deck. Roga Danar, Zon and two Soong-Type Androids (one each MEDICAL and SCIENCE) mean 43 points of Strength, are useful enough also as Dilemma-solving crew and you'll hit your opponent unprepared. Beyond that, our good Zon is pretty useless. Treachery might in rare cases help if you're playing Fed, but the rest isn't just worth it. A rather average SECURITY with a sometimes deadly weakness in Integrity.
Wesley's rating: 6.0 Allen's rating: 8.0 Cole's rating: 6.5 Data's rating: 8.0 Drew's rating: 6.6 Gowron's rating: 6.1 Hal's rating: 8.5 Jack's rating: 6.3 Mot's rating: 6.5 Nanite's rating: 6.0 Nog's rating: 6.5 Nouwa's rating: 6.0 Picarde's rating: 6.5 Q's rating: 7.0 Ranger's rating: 8.4 Rothspar's rating: 5.0 Tebok's rating: 7.0 Tania's rating: 7.5 Tony's rating: 6.5 ---------------------- AVERAGE RATING: 6.8
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Wesley Crusher
Temporarily immortal STCCG Lord
"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"