as I said, I'm going to interleave cards, so no Internet expansion today, but instead something really normal:
But then, can't you even use this Dilemma to your advantage? (Sure you can if I'm asking such stupid questions ;-) ). Let's assume you have Mot the Barber on the table. Right, Mot. You send his redshirting to a Frame of Mind location (place a Sarjenka behind it to stop him). What was that? Two skills? Umm, guess, you'll give him Barbering as the one skill, but you'll have to choose something different for the second one. Did I just gain a skill there?
Just note that Frame of Mind does not erase the classification. So while a framed Beverly Crusher might no longer be a great or dancing doctor, she still is MEDICAL (unlike Bev Picard, who'll lose both her MEDICAL) Put this Dilemma in front of anything that requires skills and not classifications, preferably in combination with attribute numbers. Shaka should qualify. 2 Diplomacy? 30 Cunning? That stuff you just lost? Add a Chalnoth to make sure the right people leave play when Frame of Mind fails to hit (Oops, that strength drain hurts). Multiply by 6. I'd like to see the deck that can pass that.
- One more that works: Frame of Mind + Firestorm
- Frame of Mind + any Love Interest / Parallel Romance
- Frame of Mind + Brain Drain.
Wesley's rating: 9.0 Cole's rating: 8.0 Conner's rating: --- Data's rating: 7.0 Hal's rating: 8.9 Jack's rating: 8.9 Nanite's rating: 9.5 Nouwa's rating: 8.5 Q's rating: 8.8 Ranger's rating: 8.6 Ray's rating: 8.7 Rothspar's rating: 4.0 (?) Tania's rating: 4.0 (??????????????????) Tony's rating: 7.5 - ---------------------- AVERAGE RATING: 7.7
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