Wesley's STCCG card of the day #328

Hi, folks,

here's a card for a Wesley fan. What? A Wesley fan? Who in this galaxy could be so stupid? ;-)


Personnel, uncommon QC.
Integrity 6
Cunning 7
Strength 4
ENGINEER, Where present, nullifies Ktarian Game and Wesley Crusher is Cunning +2. Youth, Transporter Skill, Staff Star (+).
"Ensign transporter specialist. Romantically involved with Wesley Crusher. Lefler's Laws include 'You gotta go with what works' and 'Life isn't always fair'."
Yes, finally, the absolute superiority in Cunning for a certain bridge crew member. With a base of 8, 4 from Lakanta and 4 more for that Humumu.... mumu... kuamua... (damn!) Fish, that 16 rating wasn't too bad, but with Robin's bonus old Wes can now acquire a Cunning of 18! (Which, considering Einstein's IQ of 200 and Cunning of 11 would translate to an IQ of about 330. How's that for a little ego boost? ;-) )

But that's about it for my beloved Robin. 6/7/4 is nothing to waste a subspace transmission on (especially with that odd Cunning - Hunter Gangs), the Ktarian Game isn't exactly the worst Dilemma I have ever seen and the rest is a Linda Larson with Transporter Skill.

Oh, did I say Transporter skill? Think I didn't say anything about that yet. Most probably because, besides the effect detailed in the QC rule sheet, the uses for Transporter skill currently quite easily fit into this one line:

"                                                           "

Oh well. Nevermind. Maybe if your opponent uses the combination of two interlaced Distortion Fields, you can save a crewmember or two. But apart from that, not the most useful of skills right now. A theme deck card (and obviously not designed by the same person who committed that "Wesley gets the Point" atrocity).

Favorite combo(s):

(This one rated R - Kids, please skip this section ;-) )

Ratings for :

Wesley's rating:                5.0
Allen's rating:                 6.5 ("She's cute!")
Cole's rating:                  7.0
Data's rating:                  7.0 
Drew's rating:                  7.5
Gowron's rating:                5.6
Hal's rating:                   4.1 ("Boring but cute"?)
Jack's rating:                  6.1
Mot's rating:                   4.0
Nanite's rating:                ---
Nog's rating:                   7.5 ("2 points for 'cute'"?)
Nouwa's rating:                 5.0
Picarde's rating:               6.0
Q's rating:                     6.0
Ranger's rating:                7.2
Rothspar's rating:              6.0
Tebok's rating:                 5.0 ("Arrrrgh"?)
Tony's rating:                  6.0
AVERAGE RATING:                 5.97

Okay, guys, what's all that "CUTE" stuff about? Are you trying to make me jealous?

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher
Temporarily immortal STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"