there's that one card whose designer I would really like to meet in a dark, dirty alley. In which I'd keep him until he recalled each and every copy of this:
And then of course, there had to be something done about little Wesley being a top ten personnel card. Like creating a risk when using the kid. But how big is this risk? If your opponent knows you are going to play a fast Fed deck, 100%. Just as high a probability as you putting Wes into a blue speed deck. If your opponent does not know what you are playing, much lower, as you can't just use Q's tent or a similar card to bring in a specialized Q-card when you have seen your opponent's deck, putting this hoser into your Q-continuum means losing one card if your opponent is playing without Wes or didn't play him yet.
So what can you do? When designing a Q-continuum side deck, think about what your opponent will do. If you think he'll play Fed, throw in 2 copies of Wesley gets the Point. Otherwise none. If you're unsure, stick with none and add an extra Penalty Box and/or Mandarin Bailiff, both quite effective against Bridge Crew decks and more versatile.
On the receiving end, if you fear that your opponent might use the card, surprise him by playing a Romulan Pseudo-Bridge crew deck with Galen, Nick Locarno, Roga Danar, Taris, Sirol, Rakal and a Soong-type Android or two. Just don't forget to exchange your missions when changing from Fed to Romulan ;-)
At least the title of the card is good fun with the triple meaning of "getting the point"
Wesley's rating: [CENSORED] Allen's rating: 4.000001 Cole's rating: 4.000001 Data's rating: 8.5 (change that emotion chip) Hal's rating: 1.0 Jack's rating: 4.5 Mot's rating: 3.0 Nanite's rating: 0.000000000001 (err, that's illegal) Nog's rating: 1.0 (yes, I got the point of that) Nouwa's rating: 2.0 Picarde's rating: 10.0 (you're fired ! ;-) ) Q's rating: 4.01 Ranger's rating: 7.0 Rothspar's rating: 6.0 Tebok's rating: 1.0 Tony's rating: 0.1 (uh, again illegal) ---------------------- AVERAGE RATING: 3.9
(Those 4.0something ratings were caused by the fact that I added a line saying "dare to rate this higher than 4 :-)" in the rating request, and some of my remarks are directed at the raters - don't try to figure them out, that's impossible...)
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Wesley Crusher
Temporarily immortal STCCG Lord
"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"