Wesley's STCCG card of the day #324

Hi, folks,

here's one in the spirit of giving christmas gifts (if you're nice) or getting what naughty children deserve. Just not from Santa, but from Q...


Q-Dilemma, common QC.
Opponent takes one personnel present (random selection) into custody (as a captive) unless you "post bail" by transferring X points to opponent, where X= the number of [dot] icons in that personnel's skill box.
"Criminal! How plead you?"
Finally a card that adds a little risk to the bridge crew and other god personnel cards. Even though the amounts involved might at first seem ridiculously low (one to six points), don't forget that the swing is actually twice as large as the points are actually transferred.

So, let's assume your opponent is playing at least remotely decent personnel cards. This means, most of them will at least have three dots, except for a few with a special ability. So this does mean that the Mandarin will usually net you a swing of around 6 points, more than a Lemon-Aid or most Dilemmas. However, your opponent might choose not to pay the points but let you capture the personnel. But you planned for this case and put an Interrogation or Brainwash in your Q's tent, didn't you? And even if not, you just denied your opponent a valuable card. Combined with Penalty Box and Love Interests this card can start gnawing at your opponent's resources which means he's more apt to listen to your friendly release offers (Gimme those points!) at the next opportunity (read: The next mission he's gonna do)

I should maybe note that Mandarin Bailiff does not count skills, but only dots. Tainer, Rakal and Data's Body all only have two dots although they do have more skills. These personnel cards almost have a limited immunity to Bailiff.

What else? Not much more. A decent addition to any Q-Continuum because it will always hit, one way or another. For a card that doesn't cost you a card, not too shabby.

Favorite combo(s):

Wesley's rating:                8.0
Allen's rating:                 6.8
Cole's rating:                  8.5
Data's rating:                  7.8
Drew's rating:                  7.2
Gowron's rating:                7.9
Hal's rating:                   8.3
Jack's rating:                  7.8
Mot's rating:                   9.0
Nanite's rating:                8.0
Nog's rating:                   7.0
Nouwa's rating:                 9.0
Picarde's rating:               4.5
Q's rating:                     7.5
Ranger's rating:                7.0
Rothspar's rating:              ---
Tebok's rating:                 9.0
Tony's rating:                  5.0
AVERAGE RATING:                 7.5

PS: I also have a special christmas edition for you guys... Look for #325 !

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher
Temporarily immortal STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"