this card is cool. Like Ice Cold Lemonade...
Well, actually this happens to the best of us. The other player plays a fast deck, (Fed space or so) and gets a good start. Big points very early. So while he's screaming through your dilemmas, you could as well profit a little from it with the occasional Lemon-Aid. Ater the first mission your opponent will be ahead far enough that the card can go into effect, so every mission thereafter scores you 5 if you have enough of these in your deck.
Wait a sec... Did I say every mission after the first? Well, that's the second and third (unless he's playing a really weird mission selection or you have a few serious point drainer dilemmas seeded somewhere). But at the third, it won't help you too much as your opponent will usually win with that one. So you get a net benefit of 5 points from the card. 10 points for the differential at a tournament. Not exactly the biggest score boost I've seen in this game. But almost free...
I wouldn't go too far out of my way to include Lemon-Aid in a tourney deck, but one or two might be okay for the occasional nasty surprise (and they do have some psych value). Now it would be fun to be able to taunt your opponent with "Come on, attempt that mission" while having a score of 95, but how is your opponent to be 20 points ahead of you in that case (while still allowing you to win by reaching an exact 100)? Drat...
Wesley's rating: 4.0 Allen's rating: 4.9 Cole's rating: 7.0 Data's rating: 7.0 Drew's rating: 3.6 Gowron's rating: 2.1 Hal's rating: 5.4 Jack's rating: 6.2 Mot's rating: 7.5 Nanite's rating: 5.0 Nog's rating: 4.0 Nouwa's rating: 9.0 Picarde's rating: 4.5 Q's rating: 7.5 Ranger's rating: 5.0 Rothspar's rating: --- Tebok's rating: 6.0 Tania's rating: 1.0 Tony's rating: 4.0 ---------------------- AVERAGE RATING: 5.15
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Wesley Crusher
Temporarily immortal STCCG Lord
"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"