Wesley's STCCG card of the day #188

Hi, folks,

Magic-ians have their Crusades, we have


Event, uncommon AU.
Plays on table. While in play, all of your non-holographic, universal personnel are each CUNNING +2, INTEGRITY +2 and STRENGTH +2 (Not cumulative.)
"Junior officers aboard all starships cooperate in their duties while competing for promotion and advancement, such as Ensigns Taurik, Sito, Lavelle and Ogawa."
A good card for our green pointy-eared friends. They have by far the best universal personnel (and the worst uniques) and work well together with the non-aligned universals. Klingon and Federation decks have far less to gain from this card as these afiliations cannot sport good universals and also have less to gain from some extra attribute points.

The best deck design for this card is a stall deck, a deck type well suited for Romulans. You can
- play a nearly all-universal deck, complemented by a few uniques and be quite sure not to lose anybody to Firestorms.
- combine it with Klim Dokachim to delay your opponent
- start away team battles with your powered-up crews
- tolerate a pretty slow development of your own forces, instead making sure your opponent's development is even worse.

Unfortunately it does not add any skills. (Skills are that much more important than attributes in this game) Wouldn't it be great to have a card that "doubles first-listed skill of all universals in play"? (Hint to Q: This is a suggestion for the next expansion :-) ).

Other cute li'l ideas:
- add a Lower decks to your 15 McKnight / Ressikan Flute deck.
- use it with some Strength 8 Klingons (Divok and Kromm, several each) for Brute Force.
- add to a Fed deck and play Q to get rid of Dilemmas
- play missions with high attribute requirements (remember, you are boosted from 5 to 7 on the average). Explore Black Cluster, anyone?

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for : LOWER DECKS

Wesley's rating:                6.0
Cole's rating:                  6.7
Conner's rating:                5.5
Hal's rating:                   8.5
Heather's rating:               9.0
Jack's rating:                  8.9
John's rating:                  6.0
Lore's rating:                  7.5
Movar's rating:                 7.5
Ray's rating:                   7.5
Serge's rating:                 8.0
Tony's rating:                  9.0
AVERAGE RATING:                 7.3

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"