Wesley's STCCG card of the day #92

Hi, folks,

I don't have any more Bridge Crew for you, but how about the next best thing:


Personnel, Federation, rare.
Integrity 4
Cunning 7
Strength 5
OFFICER, Computer Skill, Navigation, Treachery, Staff Star (+)
"Ensign Ro Laren is a Bajoran female. Protege of Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Sympathetic to the Maquis. A bit of a renegade."
OK, this one easily wins the "Mot Award (TM)" in the category "Worst flavor text". Such an interesting character and such boring stuff...

What else ? Not much. Use a Wesley instead. If you don't urgently need Treachery, that is. Wes does everything Ro does, and he does it a lot better. (Not surprising as Ro was his replacement...) Even for stats, you won't win anything with her. 4/7/5 is beaten by ALL Bridge crew members including Tasha, but except Deanna (Strength 4).

So what use is Ro Laren ?
You could say, she is an alternative for those players who cannot afford the high prices of Bridge Crew cards on the secondary market. But nope, not even this is a valid answer as Ro's value comes very close to those of the minor Bridge crew cards (Deanna, Tasha, Beverly, Wesley) and she's also included in most Bridge Crew sets I've seen sold. So this does not help.

Well, so only Treachery remains as an advantage. Let's check this: What we need is a mission that needs Treachery. Let's have a quick look.

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for : RO LAREN

Wesley's rating:                3.0 (Down from 4.0 because of high price)
Conner's rating:                6.0
Phil's rating:                  6.0
Michael's rating:               7.2
Owen's rating:                  8.0
Ian's rating:                   7.1
Cole's rating:                  7.5
Jack's rating:                  8.0
Jason's rating:                 8.0
Jeff's rating:                  5.0
AVERAGE RATING:                 6.58

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: blohmer@pips11.informatik.uni-mannheim.de

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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"