Wesley's STCCG card of the day #284

Chrrr... Phhh... Chrr...r...R...? What? COTD time?

And that now that I was so beautifully phased out of consciousness... PHASED OUT??? (Hmmm... couldn't we use that as a COTD intro?)

WHAT? I'm already on air? Sh*t, errr... wanted to say

Hi, folks,

now that you know how intros come to exist, let's phase back in with

Classic COTD #15


Artifact, rare
Use as Equipment card. Nullifies: Chalnoths, Archers, Rebels, Impassable Doors, Phased Matter, Crystalline Entities, Armus and Nausicaans.
"Experimental Romulan device that both cloaks and phases matter, allowing it to pass through normal matter."

This card is plain annoying. Not because it's so strong or because it can thwart any intelligent play but just for the fact that you'll have to read through three lines of Dilemma names each time you face a Dilemma card you don't instantly identify as being from an expansion. But what does it help?

True, it nullifies some of the more commonly used Dilemmas, but let's quickly go through them to see whether there are other ways to get past them:

Chalnoth, Archer, Armus, Nausicaans, Rebel Encounter: All these kill one Away Team member. So Genetronic Replicator + MEDICAL x3 will do exactly the same job (though you will be stopped in this case). The requirements here are also quite similar - SECURITY and Strength. Klingons will have no problem anyway with most of these Dilemmas and the other affiliations will also often have an Away Team large enough to get past most of this stuff. And for Armus - well I mentioned the Replicator and in this case it doesn't even stop you.

Phased Matter and Impassable Door: You don't have SCIENCE + ENGINEER and Computer Skill? What deck are you playing? An all-Mot deck?

Crystalline Entity: Again, a requirement you should be able to fulfill unless you're just taking risks. Only that in this case the stakes are a little higher. But any decent team will be able to overcome this one without problems.

And it wouldn't still be that bad as you could start taking notorious shortcuts in team preparation and solve missions very early. But there is just a tiny, little, negligible, ;-), weenie problem with this: Interphase Generator is an Artifact. So how do you get it without a fair away team? Somehow it seems to get it you will either need to bluff (and be lucky) or use a good team in the first place which makes it quite useless.

So much for the printed ability.

And the one not on the card? Pegasus Search. 50 free points. So let's reword the card: "Use as an Equipment card. If Pegasus Search on table, fly there to score 50 points, otherwise use as Disruptor Overload bait."

Favorite combo(s):

Wesley's rating:                5.0 (9.0 with Pegasus Search)
Allen's rating:                 9.0
Cole's rating:                  7.0
Data's rating:                  8.5
Drew's rating:                  8.6
Gowron's rating:                7.5
Hal's rating:                   6.7
Jack's rating:                  5.8
Lakanta's rating:               9.0
Nanite's rating:                8.0
Nouwa's rating:                 7.5
Picarde's rating:               8.5
Q's rating:                     7.0
Ranger's rating:                9.0
Ray's rating:                   7.3
Tania's rating:                 6.0
Tony's rating:                  7.5
Wa'Qah's rating:                7.0
AVERAGE RATING:                 7.5

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"