Wesley's STCCG card of the day #27

Hi, folks,

today's card is one of those cards whose name promises much more than the cards will keep later:


Klingon personnel, rare
Integrity: 10
Cunning: 6
Strength: 8
V.I.P, Honor x2
"Cloned reincarnation of the Klingon Spiritual leader Kahless the unfor- gettable. Installed as ceremonial emperor in 2369."
This was one of the last cards I got for my set, and with the other Klingon big guys around I was really awaiting to see awesome stats and skills. When I then found the card in the pack I was more than just disappointed. A meager Honor x2 for the top Klingon?

On second sight however, this card is not as bad as it looks. Granted, it has nothing to offer in the skill box, but the stats aren't to be ignored. A Klingon personnel-poor deck can greatly benefit from this card, es- pecially with missions like Wormhole Negotiations(R), Investigate Disturbance(R) or Krios Suppression(U). I am including this card in my deck if I play for example:

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for KAHLESS:

Wesley's rating:                5.5
Jon's rating:                   6.0
Allen Castaban's rating:        2.0
Tim Kwong's rating:             Oops, he doesn't have that card...
Jason's rating:                 7.0
Habib's rating:                 6.0
AVERAGE RATING:                 5.1


Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"