business called again, so I had again to resort to using a minion :-) to make sure you get this:
Let's compare him to the original Tomalak. He was OFFICER, Diplomacy, Leadership, Cunning 7, Strength 9, Command Star and - SURPRISE! - Integrity 6. Whoops. 1 point of Integrity and the "multiland" effect ? And they created a RARE for this ?
Well, the reason behind this: They urgently needed an AU Romulan. Look through the cards - there is none. Except the two dual affiliation pals, but they obviously wanted at least *one* pure Rommie in there. And the selection was not that great - the show does not help us out very much.
But they could have given him one of the Science-related skills (Astrophysics or Stellar Cartography) and the card would have been at least different enough to stand its own.
Oh, and what I said about the original once in the context of one of the older COTD's still holds true: Why use a Tomalak if I can have a Tebok or an Evek?
Wesley's rating: 3.5 Cole's rating: 6.5 Conner's rating: 6.0 Heather's rating: 7.0 Jason's rating: 3.0 Matt's rating: 5.0 Movar's rating: 5.0 (and he SHOUTED at me for 5 lines) Serge's rating: 6.0 Tony's rating: 8.0 John's rating: 5.0 Hal's rating: 9.8 Lore's rating: 4.0 ---------------------- AVERAGE RATING: 5.8
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