Wesley's STCCG card of the day #289

Hi, folks,

Worf got a real chick from Q once, now we get one from QC...


Personnel, Klingon, common QC.
Integrity 6
Cunning 4
Strength 7
CIVILIAN, When reporting for duty, select any one skill. May change that skill at the start of each of your turns, AU icon, Discard if another K'ChiQ or no male Klingon present.
"William Riker, vested with the powers of Q, created an 'ideal mate' for Lieutenant Worf."
Ack! A living Spark of Insight! Those Decipher guys must really be reading COTD...

But then, I just went back to that review and checked what was so great about that card. And actually, whereever I looked, most of the card's merit was the surprise value. You got hit by something that removed a vital skill from your crew or away team. Then you played the Spark and took it back. And that's something you can't do with K'ChiQ, as vital as it would be to our Klingon friends who tend to be affected by more Dilemmas than Feds anyway.

But there's a way out: Devidian Door! With the Door ability you can use little K'ChiQ as a Spark of Insight, provided you have a male Klingon around, but that shouldn't prove too difficult in a Klingon deck ;-). Yeah, it costs you two cards, but so what? You get the added advantage of 17 ability points, a CIVILIAN classification for a Naiskos and the fact that K'ChiQ will stay around and can still fulfill the first function of the Spark of Insight card: providing an extra skill towards a mission attempt. And with a lot of Klingon missions requiring either 2 skills plus a classification or 2 skills plus an attribute requirement you will quite often find yourself in a situation where you have one of the skills but not both and thus have a perfect use for a single extra skill.

IMHO, an improvement on my idea, as it can if necessary function as a Spark of Insight and has some extra powers besides it. And the Klingons deserve a borderline degenerate personnel card as they don't have too much to offer in that sector yet.

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for : K'CHIQ

Wesley's rating:                9.951
Allen's rating:                 8.6
Cole's rating:                  7.0
Data's rating:                  8.0
Drew's rating:                  5.5
Hal's rating:                   8.9
Jack's rating:                  7.6
Nanite's rating:                6.0
Nouwa's rating:                 9.0
Picarde's rating:               7.5
Q's rating:                     9.5 (*)
Rothspar's rating:              8.0
Tania's rating:                 6.0
Tony's rating:                  8.0
AVERAGE RATING:                 7.8

Interesting... 0.1 better than the Spark on the average...
(*) I don't get that... He rated Spark of Insight 5.0 but his opinion about the value of getting one skill at the right time seems to have changed...

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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"