Wesley's STCCG card of the day #223

Hi, folks,

after yesterday's somewhat extraordinary card, about everything will probably seem a little stale. So why not take something really bland ?


Personnel, Federation, rare.
Integrity 8
Cunning 9
Strength 7
OFFICER, Leadership, Mindmeld, Diplomacy, Command Star (*).
"Captain Satelk is the Vulcan Starfleet officer who presided over the inquiry into Cadet Joshua Albert's death at the Academy Flight Range in 2368."
YAWN. A Vulcan with Mindmeld and Diplomacy. As if we had not seen that somewhere before. And then, you get the Leadership/Diplomacy combo we have never ever seen discussed before in this series. If you don't count the other 20 times. Plus, you get really okay stats. At 8/9/7, no low values and a good average. Yeah, great, so much for this one.
Favorite combo(s):

- Satelk + Vulcan Mindmeld. Yawn.

Ratings for : SATELK

Wesley's rating:                6.5
Cole's rating:                  7.6
Conner's rating:                5.0
Data's rating:                  7.0
Hal's rating:                   4.5 (Quote: Snoooooore)
Heather's rating:               7.5
Jack's rating:                  6.8
John's rating:                  7.5
Q's rating:                     6.0
Ranger's rating:                6.0
Ray's rating:                   6.0
AVERAGE RATING:                 6.4

> "WHAT? That's all? C'mon, Wes, you can't be serious! This is worst
> Habib style!"

Huh? Did I miss something? Hmm, guess not.

> "But you must have something more to say!"

Really ? So should I also tell you something about


Ship, Romulan, rare.
Range 9
Weapons 9
Shields 7
Cloaking Device, Tractor Beam. Requires 1 Command (*), 2 Staff (+).
Commander Toreth's Warbird. Covertly used by N'Vek and Counselor Deanna Troi to accomplish the defection of Vice-Proconsul M'ret in 2369."
(Yeah, I see those archivists sweating when they have to sort this out now that I've not even used a new number...)

Can't really say anything against this cute little ship. It's fast enough to give pursuit, it's weakest point (shields) is the easiest to cover up with Metaphasic or Nutational Shields, and Weapons of 9 mean that it'll hurt nearly everything. Besides that, Toreth is not the worst Romulan OFFICER, so you can even make good use of the Captain's Log. Like 9/12/10, for example. The requirements are not as bad, as Romulan decks are usually not that much constructed for speed anyway, and you also need lots of personnel as the Romulans are not that great skill-wise. And except for 3, all non-holographic Romulans have a Staff or Command icon, so we won't be hampered by this factor too much.

Altogether a good ship for any deck that counts on just damaging ships for good effect (like stopping).

Favorite Combo:

- Khazara + Toreth + Captain's Log (+ Bynar's Enhancement + Data's Head + Metaphasic Shields + ... + Kurlan Naiskos.) Did somebody say 33/48/54 ?

Ratings for : KHAZARA

Wesley's rating:                8.0
Cole's rating:                  7.5
Conner's rating:                ---
Data's rating:                  8.0
Hal's rating:                   9.0
Heather's rating:               8.0
Jack's rating:                  6.9 (Quote: Yawn.)
John's rating:                  ---
Q's rating:                     7.5
Ranger's rating:                8.0
Ray's rating:                   7.5
AVERAGE RATING:                 7.8

> "Hey, I don't get it. What do these two have to do with each other ?"

Nothing. They were just a little too un-interesting for a full COTD, so I made two mini-COTDs...

> "..."

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"