How about an old ship that's now a new card?
And the other ability? Hidden in the lore lies the tidbit everybody would have wanted to see on the Enterprise: The capability of using the Captain's Log with our good old Jean-Luc Picard. And this way, you get a new ship with 8/10/9 and a crew requirement of 3 cards that can at least move if it has only two of them aboard. And looking at it this way, the once so crappy Stargazer does no longer look that bad. She'll never be the flagship of STCCG but then, they also won't mention her in the same sentence as Yridian Shuttles and Miranda-Class ships.
- C'mon, you know exactly what goes here ;-)
Wesley's rating: 6.5 Allen's rating: 8.7 Cole's rating: 8.5 Data's rating: 8.0 Gowron's rating: --- Hal's rating: 9.0 Jack's rating: 7.5 Lakanta's rating: 6.5 Nanite's rating: 9.0 Nouwa's rating: 7.5 Picarde's rating: --- Q's rating: 6.0 Ranger's rating: --- Ray's rating: 6.2 Tania's rating: --- Tony's rating: 9.0 Wa'Qah's rating: --- Drew's rating: 7.5 ---------------------- AVERAGE RATING: 7.7
Yuck, this is getting scary! 18 raters! (That happens when you use an older list and include the new ones on it and send it out - all the old guys come back and then the usual dropout rate fails to occur ;-) )
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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord
"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"