Wesley's STCCG card of the day #48
Hi, folks,
before I go on with my own list, I quickly fulfill a request:
Event, common.
Plays on table. Opponent must discard one card before ending each turn.
(Not cumulative.)
"Dr. Beverly Crusher experienced a shrinking univers, shaped by her own
thoughts, inside a static warp bubble created by Ensign Wesley Crusher."
Yup, another card for a "Wrath of Wesley Crusher" deck. (In both ways, thema-
tically and because it's in my winning decks :-) ). It's close to a killer
when you get it out early. By just being in play for long enough, this card
will eliminate all choice your opponent could make about card play, as she
will be forced to discard down to the point where her hand would consist of
only one card (the one drawn last turn). Especially against those tourney
decks with only 30 draw deck cards and 30 seed cards (for speed, gets you
the good cards faster), this will prove devastating as these decks have very
little room for duplication, so even two or three discards might disrupt a
carefully planned strategy.
Of course this card has weaknesses, too. First
it can be countered with two different cards (Kev Ux and Traveller), of which
the latter is a formidable card in itself and won't be missing in too many
decks. Note though, that the Traveller does NOT cause the SWB to discard but
just negates it, so by Ux'ing the Traveller you will get the effect back (and
probably hit a good handful of cards along the way).
Secondly, even if you get it out on your first turn and it remains uncoun-
tered, your opponent might have a red alert and play all his personnel on the
following turn, so you don't get to nail more than one card. Also, playing
SWB early loses you a precious early-game turn if you also have a few positive
events like Traveller, Kivas or Red Alert on your hand. Still, the last
argument doesn't hold too well as your opponent is slowed even worse by lo-
sing cards (assumed it works, of course.)
Favorite combo(s):
- Static Warp Bubble + Q2: Nail her Kevin AND her hand cards.
- Static Warp Bubble + Nanites + Wesley Crusher: just for the theme deck
Wesley's rating: 9.0
Allen Castaban's rating: 6.5
Habib's rating: 7.0
Bryan's rating: 5.5
Jeff's rating: 9.75
Holt Kernodle's rating: 9.0
Jason's rating: 6.5
Data's rating: 6.7
Jack's rating: 6.5
Please direct all email concerning card of the day to:
Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord
"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"