how about a bad card for a change? And it's even Fed (just to prove that the Feds have more bad cards than just Mot ;-) )
You then take off, smiling inwardly as you finally found some application for your staff ability and explore the Galaxy. That is, you explore one Stellar System. You fly 3 weeks straight without encountering anything interesting. You explore your second system. Uncover a Romulan Warbird. Spend 5 weeks limping back to the nearest spacedock.
You swear revenge on those Romulans and go in pursuit of a defenseless Science Vessel (6 weeks at those speeds). Fire a broadside just to discover you did not even scratch the shields. You slowly get angry, especially as the big brother of that ship just forced you to do another 10-week trip back to spacedock.
So now you seek greener pastures near the Klingon Border. Lucky you, you find a Vor'Cha Cruiser in orbit around a desolate world. You think. Hmm, how about Ship Seizure? "Would use my shiny tractor beam, and finally get me a good ship..." You engage beams and pull. 20 Kilometers later, the movements of the ship cause it to break out of the beam and fall into the atmosphere, giving off a final but spectacular light effect. Well, at least the Klingons won't use it anymore, either.
So you quit Starfleet and go bounty hunting. And fortune's light shines on you. You discover a Scow full of rare but highly radioactive substances worth at least 1 million bars of Latinum. You drag it to your outpost. You beam down and go to the cashier's office when just at that moment the scow explodes (you thought you saw a well-aimed phaser shot). Your final hours are spent in agony.
(For those who didn't understand the story: It's awfully slow, has no significant weapons, will just survive damage from a big ship and the tractor beam might have some uses. But nonetheless it's a downgrade of the Runabout.)
(And for those who want it even shorter: THIS CARD SUCKS. Period.)
- Nah. Not today, okay ?
Wesley's rating: 1.000000000001 Cole's rating: 4.0 Conner's rating: 5.5 Data's rating: 3.0 Hal's rating: 5.0 Heather's rating: 7.5 (??????????????????) Jack's rating: 5.0 John's rating: 4.0 Q's rating: 4.0 Ranger's rating: 2.5 ---------------------- AVERAGE RATING: 4.1500000000001
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"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"