Wesley's STCCG card of the day #193

Hi, folks,

still remember that old ep that almost got me killed? Justice? If so, have a quick look at the


Ship, non-aligned, rare AU.
Range 5
Weapons 10
Shields X
Requires 0 command (*), 1 staff(+), 2 AU.
X = 8, however, there is always a 50/50 chance any attack is nullified.
AU Icon.
"A ship discovered in 2364 by the U.S.S. Enterprise to be protecting the peaceful society on Rubicun III. It was described as 'half in, half out of our universe.'"
Husnock II. Really. Slow, big hitter and great on defense. Only that it is a little more exaggerated. The range of 5 makes it the slowest vessel in the entire game, but it does not lose so much compared to a 6. The most probable two-mission span combination is 3-4 and both ships can't make this in one turn.

Of course, the Edo Vessel also has trouble with 3-3. You could, though, offset this by trying to select missions with a 2 span. But mind you - you might be helping your opponent more than yourself! A 2 span mission gives the Enterprise nice little 3-4-2 gaps to fly over in one turn. I'd rather select a few 5-span missions slowing both sides as you're probably not playing a speed deck with this ship anyway. Two 5's in a row (preferably at your outpost) stop everything but the big AU ships. And you get to move in and attack.

Which gets me to the Weapons rating. A 10 damages everything. Except a Husnock. And you don't have that much to lose from getting damaged even if you face a ship with weapons >8. So the Edo vessel can be used as a convenient trap. Have it sitting at your outpost, with several non-Fed personnel waiting. If a ship comes your way, fire. It gets damaged. You have the same range now, so whichever way it goes, you can follow and finish it off. That'll teach them flying your way! And if the opposing ship has weapons of 8 or less you can even repeat it.

And the shields? 8 is average for a big ship, but you have another ability, usable only on defense. (If you attack, the special ability is not useful). If something attacks you, flip the card and hope it comes face down. If so, well it did not attack you. Period.

You do not get stopped or damaged. But you also may not fire back. Which is not as bad as it sounds as
- you either get another chance if the attacker was some big ship except Husnock or Borg and your opponent wants to make an exchange - count on the next turn or attack yourself on your turn if you want to make the exchange
- or the opponent is a Husnock or Borg, both of which you cannot even scratch,
- or he would have been really stupid to attack you in the first place.

The staffing requirements? 2 AU is a little hard for a ship you'll want to man with an affiliation able to attack, but not impossible. And the one staff star is just a piece of cake.

End result: An improved Husnock. Good for a Klingon Armada deck pitted against a fast deck. Like it.

Note: The calculations above are of course offset by the shield enhancers and Bynars' Weapon Enhancement. But once the Nutational or Metaphasic shields come into play, ship battle becomes futile anyway, unless you attack with a big armada. And the Edo vessel is a battleship.

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for : EDO VESSEL

Wesley's rating:                7.0
Cole's rating:                  7.5
Conner's rating:                5.0
Hal's rating:                   7.0
Heather's rating:               7.0
Jack's rating:                  6.7
John's rating:                  7.5
Lore's rating:                  8.0
Movar's rating:                 7.5
Ray's rating:                   7.0
Serge's rating:                 6.0
Tony's rating:                  7.5
AVERAGE RATING:                 6.9

PS: Q has given me rules clarifications on the last, well-disputed COTD's:

Kevin Uxbridge: Convergence
- can kill artifacts played as events. They did not want to make it seem different.
- is in all other respects as discussed in the article.

Kevin Uxbridge:
- can nullify an effect triggered by playing an event, if the effect was the only purpose of that event (so he can kill Kivas Fajo).

Maman Picard:
- they did not want the "If this is a Federation ship" to be read as a condition. Read it as "Any Federation ship attempting this mission is transported...", thus implying the discard effect. I'll have to revise that article.

(All these rulings taken from FAQ #6, to be released soon.)

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"