hope you found this "cloaked" edition of COTD. Hey, stop using those author searches and go by title :-). Oh, did I say "cloaked" ? Like in
And they do this to an affiliation whose strength lies so much in ships ? Yes, the card looks good, but it isn't. Too costly for a Klingon Armada deck, the range increment from 10 to 11 is not that great and the extra crew requirements hurts too much. That's it. Nothing more to say. :-(
Wesley's rating: 5.0 Cole's rating: 7.3 Conner's rating: 6.0 Heather's rating: 8.75 Jason's rating: 9.0 Matt's rating: 9.0 Movar's rating: 9.0 Serge's rating: 9.0 Tony's rating: 8.5 John's rating: 8.0 Hal's rating: 9.0 Lore's rating: 8.5 Ray's rating: 9.0 ---------------------- AVERAGE RATING: 8.2
Interesting: Many raters made comments on the card being too hard to use. But then, they put a very high rating behind it. Hmmm... at least only one rater (whom I am not going to publicly embarrass) rated it HIGHER than the Decius.
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