Wesley's STCCG card of the day #354

Hi, folks,

judging from the number of ORs, this card is a Star Wars card. Judging from the image however it belongs to our favorite game...


Interrupt, common QC.
Nullifies Empathic Echo OR Parallax Arguers OR Frame of Mind OR System-Wide Cascade Failure OR Thought Maker (May not be nullified).
"A Betazoid relaxation method taught to Reginald Barclay by Deanna Troi. Stimulating a nerve cluster behind the ear releases natural endorphins and helps to reduce anxiety."
Well, at least this review won't be bORing. NOR will it be the shORtest one I've ever written as all these functions will probably require a few mORe lines than fOR other cards.

Number One: Getting Rid of Parallax Arguers. This is bORing. Hey, your opponent plays such a cool card and you can't even affORd an Amanda ?

Number Two: Empathic Echo. Now this is causing you sORrows ? Your Away team OR crew most be pretty pathetic. Come on, this is nothing mORe than a specialized Archer and about as powerful. If this hits you, you should thank some entity that it wasn't Barclay's ProtomORphosis Disease instead...

Number Three: Frame of Mind. Our good old "One crewmember becomes useless. Cure with - fORget it, you don't have that" (yes, I quoted myself) card. Plexing gives you at least a fighting chance to save your character befORe he goes completely nuts. However I doubt this would warrant the inclusion of Plexing in a deck; as the Dilemma is random selection, it is as probable as not that an impORtant personnel will be chosen. However, you'll have a slight chance of spoiling a thORoughly thought out combo of your opponent...

Number Four: System-Wide Cascade Failure. Now really. A rare Dilemma when you could instead use the mORe devastating Chinese Finger Puzzle OR the as powerful Android Nightmares ? You must be really desperate befORe you use this. So Plexing won't find any significant probability of encountering this victim, we can safely ignORe this function.

Number Five: Thought Maker. Aaaaah, now that we almost explORed the entire card we are getting the pattern. An Artifact nullifier with a scORe of secondary functions to allow using the card even if your opponent chooses not to use the Artifact. Only that in this case, none of the minOR functions are really great as they all require your opponent to use specific cards and the Thought Maker can be as well gotten rid of with a basic Amanda (except fOR the fact that Plexing cannot be countered). But then, Thought Maker is not the most frequently played Artifact in the wORld, so again, no great scORe.

Net result: Five functions, two mORe than on any other STCCG card up to now, but none really great. Not a card I'd put into any deck unless struck by a fit of mORonism. I don't like cards that nullify specific not-too-often used cards and I also don't like cards that won't wORk unless your opponent plays specific cards. This one is both, so I'd say it's wORthless.

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for : PLEXING

Wesley's rating:                3.0
Allen's rating:                 8.2
Cole's rating:                  6.0
Cpt. Stasis' rating:            9.0
Data's rating:                  7.2
Drew's rating:                  8.9
Gowron's rating:                6.0
Hal's rating:                   7.0
Jack's rating:                  6.8
Locutus' rating:                8.5
Mot's rating:                   6.0
Nanite's rating:                2.0
Nog's rating:                   5.0
Nouwa's rating:                 6.0
Picarde's rating:               7.0
Q's rating:                     6.5
Rothspar's rating:              5.5
Tania's rating:                 6.5
Tebok's rating:                 6.9
Tony's rating:                  7.0
AVERAGE RATING:                 6.45

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Wesley Crusher
Temporarily immORtal STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"