when doing the feature on Bynar weapon enhancement, I left one ship out of the discussion of that Klingon attack deck I outlined. On purpose.
For the first part: The magic numbers in a Klingon battle deck are 33 (outpost killer) and 48 (Borg ship direct hit.)
On outpost killing:
Some quick arithmetics show that I have nothing to gain from the K'Ratak
if I have exactly one Bynars in play. Every ship now has weapons of at
least 8, so I need four of which one must be a unique ship (Weapons =7+2
or 8+2). But the 7 is enough, so why bother?
If I have no Bynars, I need 5 ships (nothing above 8). There are three with Weapons of 7, but this is a risky proposal as they are all unique and I must draw all 3. So here having a fourth ship with weapons >6 can be of some use. And with two Bynars it pretty much comes to the same. Three times (6+4) leaves me 3 points shy, so I'd need some additional power. But in all these cases, a Captain's log and the right pilot can work the same wonders, too, as I need only 3 or less points. (Which means one less card I need to draw).
More than 2 Bynars? Well, 3 of them gets me to >=36 with any 3 ships and
I don't see any way to do with only two ships unless I have the Log and
at least 4 Bynars.
(BTW: These calculations assume worst case - if your opponent plays Fed
you don't need 33 but only 31, and you can then pretty much take what you
want as long as you have one upgraded ship in your fleet.)
Now for the Borg ship:
Without Bynars I need 8 ships. Or seven, if I have all of the enhanced
ones out. And then I have lost my entire fleet. Bad move.
1 Bynar reduces the requirement to six ships or five when I have all four
of the enhanced ones. Again, many ships lost and the K'Ratak needs to be
there when I try to reduce the number.
2 Bynars: I am now at 40 with 4 ships. No way to gain 8 points (except
for Captain's Log), so stick with the fact you need five.
3 Bynars: 4 ships - any four - give me a 48. Enough.
4 Bynars: 3 ships + 6 more points are minimum, so K'Ratak plus Hegh'ta
plus Captain's log are required.
More than 4? What deck are you playing and where did you get those 15
boxes of STCCG?
So, from the weapons side, there is one conclusion: There are situations where the K'Ratak helps. But there are also quite a few where it does nothing helpful. And the big disadvantage? You can't keep your fleet together anymore. All others fly at range 8. Only the K'Ratak crawls at 6. So you have to send it out in front of the others to arrive at the same time. Or slow all other ships. And that is not what you want to do - remember, you want to kill that outpost before everything is on the table. Nah. Better stick with cards that don't hamper you that much.
Wesley's rating: 4.5 Cole's rating: 4.0 Conner's rating: --- Heather's rating: 8.5 Jack's rating: 6.5 John's rating: 7.0 Leto's rating: --- Q's rating: 6.5 Ray's rating: --- Tony's rating: 6.0 ---------------------- AVERAGE RATING: 6.1
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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord
"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"