Wesley's STCCG card of the day #102

Hi, folks,

now everybody might ask: What ? Only super-high-powered rare Dream Cards ? Nope. Here's the proof. A nice useful idea for a common:


Event, common, Dream Card.
Play on any planet location. Any away team stopped here will lose one member (random selection). Not cumulative.
"On hot worlds with arid climates, away teams without adequate protection will have huge trouble surviving even for one full day."
Picture: A vast desert.
Simple, but useful. Especially when used with a stall deck (must I say Rogue Borg?). Probably after the first two or three times you hit somebody with it, its simple presence will be enough to really discourage attempts at that par- ticular mission. Once again, there are two uses (but they are similar):

a) Increase the power of your Dilemmas. Use it in conjunction with those Dilemma cards that have hard conditions but not-too-great effects as a little booster. Will work quite well with all "cannot get past unless ..." Dilemmas, also Alien Abduction, Chalnoth or Sarjenka are possible choices.
b) Use it as a surgical away-team decimator. For this use, you will need Rogue Borg and a Lore Returns. Wait until the away team is on location, then bring in your R.B. one by one, each eliminating an away team member AND stopping the crew for another turn. How to get the R.B. into play ? Well, how about placing Mot on a Runabout and playing them on YOUR OWN SHIP ??? Nice little battle force...

Favorite combo(s):
Rating : 7.0

PS. To avoid any hassle and to answer the unavoidable question right away: No, I cannot and will not make any copies of my dream cards available to ANYONE. First this violates copyrights by Paramount and Decipher, second, the pictures used are photos of my friends and THEY don't like being sent all over the world, and third, I don't want to go copy cards every other day. So if you want to experiment with them, create your own designs (or better, make up your own ideas and email them to Decipher. This gives you a good chance to one day use your card even in official play.)

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: blohmer@pips11.informatik.uni-mannheim.de

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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"