Today's card is a Klingon officer and a neccessity in any Klingon deck.
Leadership x2 Diplomacy Honor INTEGRITY 8 CUNNING 7 STRENGTH 9
As klingons go I think that Gowron should be used in all klingon decks. Also because of the lack of really good officers like the federation has, Gowron is one of the best Klingon personnel out there. He is good in any mission that needs honor and the diplomacy is rather helpful in doing other missions. Wormhole Negotiations is a good mission in a Klingon deck because of the ease of 4 honor. Gowron can contribute to this. Also he has a rather high integriy level for a klingon.
Also to clear up a dispute going on from my card of the day #3, the USS Enterprise, I just suggested that you COULD consider the Enterprise the best ship in the game. The Husnock is higher in numbers but the Enterprise is more evenly distributed. I personally think it is the best ship in the game but that is just me. I have nothing against other ships. You have the right to form your own oppinion.
Habib (The ST:CCG Lord)