Wesley's STCCG card of the day #245

Hi, folks,

twohundredfortywhat? Have to remember to remind you of the Internet Expansion part II later, but first...


Dilemma, planet, common AU.
One Away Team member (random selection) is killed OR beam up that personnel at a penalty. Double penalty if Federation. -5 (or -10) points.
"On Rubicun III, mediators arrested Wesley Crusher when he fell into a garden. He was designated for death, which created a Prime Directive dilemma for Jean-Luc Picard."
Uh, still got shivers when I remember this incident. A poison needle can feel really cold, you know ;-)

At first glance, a minor Armus. At second glance, a less selective The Higher... the Fewer. At third glance, maybe interesting. Not so much for the user, but for the one hit by it.

You hit this #*?&% thing. Your opponent randomly selects an away team member and what now?

a) You have to face no more Dilemmas:
a1) If the person selected is critical for the mission, forget the points, beam that guy up! After all, it will be paid back soon.
a2) If that guy is not critical and you'd go over 100 points, there's probably no big question what to do.
a3) Now the hard part: You don't need him here but maybe somewhere else. Should you or shouldn't you? If he's a vital for a mission you intend to do soon or he's the last of a certain classification in your team, you'd better rescue him.
However, especially Feds will often fare better by letting the crewmember die and later res-Qing him.
a4) You have a Genetronic replicator in play and you can use it. In which case you should probably better choose the alternative of ... Hey! Did you really read on ? ;-)

Then remember that you are not stopped by this Dilemma even if you use the replicator.

b) You have to face more Dilemmas:
b1) The selected person is critical neither for the mission nor does it seem likely to be affected by another Dilemma without her: See case a2, a3 or a4.
b2) She's mission critical, but not likely to help you during Dilemmas: See a1.
b3) It's likely that this person's absence will hurt you during further Dilemmas: Hard case. If you have a good point lead late in the game, let her die and try stalling. If you have Emergency Transporter Armbands, beam her out, follow up with the armbands before hitting the next Dilemma and try again next round. In any other situation you will have to guess. Which probably means guessing wrongly :-(
b4) You have a Genetronic replicator in play and you can use it. In which case you should probably better choose the alternative of ... Oh come on, it can't be true that I caught you two times with this stupid trick ;-)

And if you seed it ? Always remember to seed something else behind it. Keep them guessing, that's the only way to have them guess wrongly.

Favorite combo(s):

- Both Love Interests + Punishment Zone + Armus. Anybody left?


Wesley's rating:                7.0
Cole's rating:                  6.5
Conner's rating:                ---
Data's rating:                  7.0
Q's rating:                     8.0
Ranger's rating:                6.2
Tania's rating:                 4.0
Tony's rating:                  8.0
Jack's rating:                  8.1
Nanite's rating:                8.0
Ray's rating:                   7.3
Nouwa's rating:                 8.0
Rothspar's rating:              2.5
AVERAGE RATING:                 6.8

Oh, and the Internet Expansion II? Send me your favorite card idea(s), up to 4, no DS9, VOY or Classic, please! Try to stay true to the show and provide all important data including the lore. If you present them in COTD format, more power for you! The five best reader cards will get presented from COTD 250 onwards, along with one of my own ideas...

But hurry up, I won't take entries after COTD # 248 (Tuesday or so...)

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"