Wesley's STCCG card of the day #163

Hi, folks,

here's an Artifact for a Klingon Armada deck (you'll see later why)


Artifact, rare AU.
Place in hand until played as an Event card on the crew of an opponent's ship. Any space Dilemmas you encounter this turn also apply to that ship and crew. Discard event.
"Ves Alkar, a Lumerian, used these mysterious objects in a ritual that would turn another person into a 'receptacle' for all negative thoughts, causing rapid aging and death."
Before anyone starts a rumor: Ves Alkar is NOT in anyway a relative of mine :-)

As for the card: Ya all know these 'Heavy Hitter' Fed decks with ships laden up to the point of bursting? How about decimating them a bit?

First thing to do is get the stones. Then send out an Armada of Klingon ships, staffed with a Vekor, some ENGINEER and a SECURITY (to give you a decent chance to hit more Dilemmas). Make sure you have lots of space missions and one of them has the Tsiolkovsky infection as first Dilemma. Add a Borg Ship to another mission (plus a K'Vort and a redshirt) for extra fun.

Now park one ship at each of those missions and play the stones on the near-bursting opposing vessel. Then attempt all of your missions in quick succession. You probably won't succeed at all of them and maybe not even at one, but this is not the point here. Instead, your opponent will probably find herself facing an assorted variety of Dilemmas she'd rather not see. The Tsiolkovsky infection hits first (you know where it is), so your opponent is already deprived of some valuable skills and cannot yet cure it as she'll first need a chance to act. Next, take your Dilemmas in any order you want, making sure they all kill or disable somebody if the conditions are not met. With some luck, you'll decimate the crew far enough they are no longer able to fly their ship, if not, send in your redshirt, get the Borg Ship and blast that thingy to bits of Stardust (I hope you've eliminated enough ENGINEERs so Nutational shields won't be a problem anymore).

Collect your remaining personnel, destroy outpost, solve one mission, win game :-)

Favorite combo(s):

Wesley's rating:                8.0
Cole's rating:                  2.0
Conner's rating:                4.5
Heather's rating:               8.0
Jason's rating:                 ---
Matt's rating:                  7.5
Movar's rating:                 8.0
Serge's rating:                 7.0
Tony's rating:                  7.5
John's rating:                  6.0
AVERAGE RATING:                 6.5

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"