The Heisenberg Compensators problem

(Re: Wes' COTD #332)

Okay, yesterday I gave you food for thought. The catch with the Heisenberg / Subspace Schisms combo is that I have a very selective way to strip your deck of key cards. And I'll give you a bad need for key cards...

What I do:

-Seed six Shakas under your missions, each preceded (from your viewpoint) by a nasty Planet/Space Dilemma.

-Use a Romulan deck to be able to espionage every mission.

-Play Heisenbergs on my first turn.

-Find any excuse to argue and play a PA [Parallex Arguers -Ed.]
-Play Manheim's Dimensional Door and wait for you using a Q's Tent.

-Whatever way I choose, before you get to use any Q's Tents you might have drawn in your initial cards, you can be pretty sure to find a Revolving Door on your Q's Tent.

-Play Lifeform Scan to see your initial hand

-Depending on what's there, I now either deny you your ships or your Diplomacy. You can solve one mission (if I get the ships) or zero (if I get the diplomats).

-If you manage to get a Masaka transformations, you'll get Kevined.

-Your Kevins are Schism'd or Q2'd.

-Then, I go mission solving, mostly on your missions - I do have the time to wait for the right crew plus with Rakal & DeSeve, I get Fed missions. Only Klingon missions require Espionage.

-As I only have 12 Dilemmas, I can have 38 draw deck cards, enough room to include card drawing power and a few speed cards along the lines of Red Alert!

BAAAAD ONE ! Not only is it strong, it is very little fun to my poor opponent and all cards I need multiples of are at worst uncommon - none of the "6 Yutas" stuff.

Not that I wouldn't have a cure (and I suggested this to Decipher already)...


Event, uncommon
Plays on table to score points. When on top of a face up deck or in a face up hand, Alien Probe and Heisenberg Compensators are nullified. [2] (not duplicatable).

The card does not do much unless you need it for its primary purpose, but it is an absolute cure against these discarders. Decipher: Make it and I won't complain any longer...