have you seen the copyright debate on the BBS? Good. Because that leads directly to today's card (Sorry, Decipher, couldn't resist the temptation):
According to paragraph 1, section 1, this card comes into play in a position granting a mercy time of several turns to the defendant, in which the latter is free to pursue any further action towards the goal the prosecution aims to stop him from attending: The transfer of points from a planet mission card to the score of the defendant.
As this cannot be the desirable outcome for the prosecution, flanking measures towards reaching the prosecution's goals are strongly recommended when using the object of discussion to reach the goal.
Subsection Q, Paragraph 10 indicates that a call for a robed judge named Q will be fully appropriate in this very situation, as the judgement can instantly place the defendant into a position where the object of discussion can instantly take effect, causing the defendant to suffer a significant loss in outpost and personnel possession which is not eligigable for damages or compensation.
Alternatively, should the defendant not be found guilty by Q, the prosecution can increase their chances by placing a temporary cease edict on the defendant using a Dilemma that stops which would permit the prosecution to make use of a Tkon Blade, an action definitely legal under these circumstances.
Effective application of the object of discussion will, though, not require any infractions against paragraph 187 targetting innocent away team members as a sensible placement of the object will allow the removal of the criminal supply line of the defendant (also called outpost). This measure alone will often suffice to prevent the illegal acquisition of a score of 100 or more points before the prosecution can achieve this goal.
The object of discussion shall be considered a legal card for use in good decks.
Wesley's rating: 8.0 Cole's rating: 8.0 Drew's rating: 8.1 Gowron's rating: 7.9 Hal's rating: 8.2 Jack's rating: 7.5 Mot's rating: 7.0 Nanite's rating: 9.5 (*) Nog's rating: 8.0 Nouwa's rating: 8.0 Picarde's rating: 5.0 (*) Q's rating: 8.5 Ranger's rating: 8.7 Rothspar's rating: 6.5 (*) Tebok's rating: 8.0 Tony's rating: 9.0 ---------------------- AVERAGE RATING: 7.9
(*) Straying this far from the norm is a criminal behavior that cannot be tolerated. See Paragraph 7, article 9.
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Wesley Crusher
Primary member of the STCCG Players' committee
"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"