sorry for the delay, but this issue is something special, a fact that delayed it a little bit. Nope, it's not the first AU card...
It is just the first issue I am doing from my comfortable commander's seat right in my well-heated home at a well-configured PC (mine) having a well- cooled beer next to me... (you get the picture). So it might not have been worth the wait for you, but it surely was for me :-)
BTW: Concerning AU, I'm finishing off my current list which still has 5 cards on it, so #143 will be the first AU issue. All raters are called to do ratings on all AU uncommons and rares they can get a hold of and send them to me (the ratings, not the cards) as I do not know which cards I will be able to get in my first purchase.
For today, it's:
A card that can be neutralized by no less than 20 different personnel cards ?
And then, it only stops a ship for one turn ? Well, less than stop, as it
only prevents movement and still allows mission attempts and battles ?
And in more than 30% of all cases has no effect at all, as the ship's range
would be exhausted anyway ?
Seriously, Decipher might have had a nice idea by making a Dilemma card that is to be seeded in later play instead of in the seed phase, but they had much better ideas along the same line; you need only think Q-Net or Subspace Warp Rift (a much better card with the same purpose...)
And if I ever again encounter a card that is so bad that any COTD reader can easily name 5 better cards for the same purpose, I promise you that I will not finish the re-
Wesley's rating: 1.0 Lore's rating: 4.3 Owen's rating: 3.3 Ian's rating: 1.0 Jack's rating: 5.7 (Hey, ABOVE AVERAGE ?) Jason's rating: 4.5 Cole's rating: 3.6 Mark's rating: 3.0 Movar's rating: 5.0 Serge's rating: 5.0 Andrew's rating: 4.0 Ted's rating: 3.8 ---------------------- AVERAGE RATING: 3.6
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(And by this I mean ALL issues :-) )
Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord
"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"