Wesley's STCCG card of the day #138

Hi, folks,

sorry for the delay, but this issue is something special, a fact that delayed it a little bit. Nope, it's not the first AU card...

It is just the first issue I am doing from my comfortable commander's seat right in my well-heated home at a well-configured PC (mine) having a well- cooled beer next to me... (you get the picture). So it might not have been worth the wait for you, but it surely was for me :-)

BTW: Concerning AU, I'm finishing off my current list which still has 5 cards on it, so #143 will be the first AU issue. All raters are called to do ratings on all AU uncommons and rares they can get a hold of and send them to me (the ratings, not the cards) as I do not know which cards I will be able to get in my first purchase.

For today, it's:


Event, common.
Plays crosswise on any spaceline location. All ships must stop here before proceeding on next turn, unless Navigation aboard.
"Intense masses of subspace particles, unstable in normal space, which require ships to route through safe corridors."
Whoops, first question: Did anyone of you ever catch a player using this card?
A player possessing more than 60 cards?

A card that can be neutralized by no less than 20 different personnel cards ? And then, it only stops a ship for one turn ? Well, less than stop, as it only prevents movement and still allows mission attempts and battles ?
And in more than 30% of all cases has no effect at all, as the ship's range would be exhausted anyway ?

Seriously, Decipher might have had a nice idea by making a Dilemma card that is to be seeded in later play instead of in the seed phase, but they had much better ideas along the same line; you need only think Q-Net or Subspace Warp Rift (a much better card with the same purpose...)

And if I ever again encounter a card that is so bad that any COTD reader can easily name 5 better cards for the same purpose, I promise you that I will not finish the re-

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for : TETRYON FIELD

Wesley's rating:                1.0
Lore's rating:                  4.3
Owen's rating:                  3.3
Ian's rating:                   1.0
Jack's rating:                  5.7 (Hey, ABOVE AVERAGE ?)
Jason's rating:                 4.5
Cole's rating:                  3.6
Mark's rating:                  3.0
Movar's rating:                 5.0
Serge's rating:                 5.0
Andrew's rating:                4.0
Ted's rating:                   3.8
AVERAGE RATING:                 3.6

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de (Now this is official!)

Visit the NEW Web Page! http://www.worldonline.nl/~ldp/COTD.html
With all back issues from #1 up to today !
(And by this I mean ALL issues :-) )


Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"