Wesley's STCCG card of the day #113

Hi, folks,

something green:


Personnel, Romulan, rare.
Integrity 4
Cunning 7
Strength 7
OFFICER, Treachery, Exobiology, Command Star (*).
"Commander of the warbird Devoras. Aided the escape of Romulan operative Selok from the Federation."
This card has one single reason for its existence: Exobiology. Treachery is as common as dirt among Romulans, OFFICER is not the best classification and I can get decent attributes from other cards. He's not even Firestorm-proof. Exobiology however is almost unique among Rommies and only one non-aligned (Baran) has it.
Do I at least need it ? Lessee:

Investigate Raid. 35 points for Exobiology and Diplomacy. Both rare skills, but acceptable if I might find some other uses (Diplomacy is vital for Q-Nets, so I only have to check Exobiology).

Investigate Sighting. Treachery + Exobiology + CUNNING >40 ??? Too hard for a measly 35. Should have been a 40.

Investigate Anomaly. Exobiology + STRENGTH>35 ? A typical beginner's card with three affiliations. Common and only 30 points. And no decent Feddie deck has any trouble with it.

Result: Three rather mediocre missions for a character I cannot use for any other purpose. Not a bargain. Next.

BTW: I cannot even say I need the Exobiology as Takket will be a staple in EVERY Romulan deck (only non-holo Doctor!)

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for : MENDAK

Wesley's rating:                3.5
Conner's rating:                5.5
Habib's rating:                 4.0
Phil's rating:                  5.0
Lore's rating:                  4.8
Owen's rating:                  5.0
Ian's rating:                   5.2
Jack's rating:                  5.7
Jason's rating:                 6.5
GoOski's rating:                4.5
AVERAGE RATING:                 4.97

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: blohmer@pips11.informatik.uni-mannheim.de

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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"