can you say "useless"? I knew you can. Can you also say
As an interrupt, not costing you an entire turn, this might have been nice. Nonetheless, quick analysis what you CAN do with it:
1) Throw it on an empty ship at an outpost. If your opponent does not have any ENGINEERS ready, she's probably going to lose that ship. Good against decks with few ships.
2) Throw it on an empty ship at a mission location to stall. Check before that your opponent still has need to ever leave that location again (i.e. cannot reach 100 by just solving the present mission.
3) Throw on an empty (or poorly manned) ship, then Temporal Rift it. BOOM. (Took two cards and a turn, however.)
Neither of these seems too great to me. Nah. Better add something else to my deck.
Wesley's rating: 2.0 Conner's rating: Doesn't have Habib's rating: 1.5 Phil's rating: 4.0 Lore's rating: 5.8 Owen's rating: 4.7 Ian's rating: 4.6 Jack's rating: 7.0 (But you've been rating the wrong card!) Jason's rating: 4.5 GoOski's rating: --- ---------------------- AVERAGE RATING: 3.4
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"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"