want versatility taken to the extreme ? Use this personnel card:
Situation one: You want to form two crews, each with a Roga Danar. No trouble - clone him.
Situation two: You need two of a skill you have only once (Diplomacy?). Clone the one person with the skill.
Situation three: You are playing a treaty deck. Your Rommie crew needs some Federation support but you don't get the treaty card. Clone your Feddie and transfer him to the Romulan ship (he's still non-aligned!)
The trouble with this: Timing! Once played, this clone can never again change the person he mimicks. So play it too early and get stuck with a bad choice. (However, there is a way out. Find a way to kill the clone and Res-Q it.)
Rating : 10.0
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"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"