Wesley's STCCG card of the day #82

Hi, folks,

can you spell "useless" with four letters? I can: H-O-O-D. Which of course is today's card:


Ship, Federation, rare.
Range 7
Shields 6
Weapons 7
Tractor Beam.
Requires 0 Command(*), 2 Staff(+).
"Registry number NCC-42296. Named for the 20th century admiral, Sir Horace Hood. Commanded by Captain Robert DeSoto."
So what? 7/6/7 and not even a Holodeck? ARRRGH! Hey folks, we're playing Feds here, so we have more Command Stars than we'd ever need. So use those Nebula Class Ships that require one Command and one Staff. For that extra effort you get 8/7/8 on a common And a Holodeck. So why take this?

Even compared to other affiliations, this ship is weak: A simple IKC Buruk has 8/6/7 and a Cloaking Device and it requires one LESS staff! And Rommies have no middleweight ships, but they have an 8/5/6 WITHOUT ANY requirements. And in the non-aligneds I can get either a Combat Vessel (8/8/6) or a Mercenary ship (7/7/7) for the same cost.

Of course there is an explanation (but not an excuse) for this bad card: Decipher wanted to stay close to the show and the Excelsior ships are old. So they require much effort for comparably little output. But couldn't they have given them something unique to make them worthwhile? A transwarp drive that can double their range for one turn but at a risk of damage for example?

No. No. No. No. No. You'll never catch me playing this...

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for : U.S.S. HOOD

Wesley's rating:                2.0
Conner's rating:                ---
Phil's rating:                  5.0
Michael's rating:               5.1
Owen's rating:                  6.8
Ian's rating:                   5.9
Cole's rating:                  7.5 (HUH???)
Jack's rating:                  5.0 (Quote: "Sad sad sad waste of a rare")
Jason's rating:                 6.0
Jeff's rating:                  4.0
AVERAGE RATING:                 5.3

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: blohmer@pips11.informatik.uni-mannheim.de

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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"