Wesley's STCCG card of the day #337

Hi, folks,

one more before we get to distributing the medals... the only one from a rater that made it...

Author: Mot the Barber
4th place / 21.25 points


Dilemma, Space, rare
Unless 3 Navigation present, ship is struck by a quantum filament. Mission continues, but the crew is divided into teams (your choice) equal to the number of seed cards remaining. The teams will enocunter one seed card each.
"The USS Enterprise was struck by a quantum filament in 2368, damaging systems all over the ship. The crew faced numerous ordeals in isolated groups before repairs could be made."
This Dilemma can easily be a nasty one if you have the right things to combine it with. Everything that requires high attribute totals are prime choices. A Nagilum or Temporal Causality Loop are just two possibilities.

However, it is not too easy to use. If you look at it, you will at least three seed cards to be effective (The filament plus at least two more so there is something to split the team into.) Four is more like it, to prevent redshirting one of the two Dilemmas with a single ENGINEER (the only really dangerous thing here is Cosmic String Fragment which would kill the entire ship; nearly all other things can only kill the redshirt, damage the ship or may be cured later when the crew is reunited. But the real fun starts when you try combining Dilemmas. A Microbiotic Colony is not a big threat. Neither is Gravitic Mine. Or Nanites. However, if you force your opponent to split his crew in three, you stand a good chance that at least two of these three do hit. Which means BOOM! - Goodbye ship...

So we have a Dilemma with a hard to beat requirement and a potentially devastating effect. Seems too strong ? No. You need three or four cards to execute a good combo, and at this number, you can get similarly nasty combinations out of the existing Dilemmas. Plus, it's space only and you can't afford to seed all six missions with a four-card combo, so the best you can achieve is to lock up one or two missions.

But, there's another IE3 card (not yet published, it's among the top 3) which is the purrrfect combination card for this. (And no, there was no cooperation effort I'd know of)...

Favorite combo(s):

Wesley's rating:                8.0
Allen's rating:                 6.5
Cpt. Stasis' rating:            5.5
Cole's rating:                  7.5
Dave's rating:                  6.7
Drew's rating:                  5.7
Greg's rating:                  7.0
Hal's rating:                   5.5
Jack's rating:                  9.1
Jonathan's rating:              8.2
Locutus' rating:                8.5
Mot's rating:                   8.5
Nouwa's rating:                 9.0
Picarde's rating:               6.0
Ranger's rating:                8.0
Tania's rating:                 5.5
Tebok's rating:                 7.0
Tony's rating:                  9.0
AVERAGE RATING:                 7.3

Author: Andy W.
12th place / 14 points


Play on two personnel who were killed this game by Rogue Borg Mercenaries. They immediately enter play as Rogue Borg Mercenaries at any site where Mercenaries are already present.
"The crew of the USS Enterprise were forced to kill many of their assimilated comrades during the second Borg invasion."

The best of the numerous cards with an assimilation theme...

Author: Sean Coate
20th place / 3rd round card


Place in hand until played as an event on any one of your unique personnel in play. If this personnel is ever "killed" they may add all their skills and classification to; and replace INTEGRITY and CUNNING of another unique personnel (host) at their location (Your choice of your own personnel, Random choice if opponents). If the "host" is not under your control take control now. If your total attributes are not greater than that of the host, return host to original controller in three turns in original state + 1 skill (opponent's choice).
"Neural implant used to transfer ones conciseness from a dying body to a new one."

Might have been a top card hadn't it been for the fact that you'd need 4 cards to fit the text...

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Wesley Crusher
Temporarily immortal STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"