Wesley's STCCG card of the day #323

Hi, folks,

there's that one card whose designer I would really like to meet in a dark, dirty alley. In which I'd keep him until he recalled each and every copy of this:


Q-Interrupt, uncommon QC.
If you have Wesley Crusher present or on any planet, he scores 1 bonus point and dies.
"You have only one chance to save them now. Send them back to the ship."
I can't get rid of the impression that this particular card has been influenced by my little Wrath of Wesley deck that was published in InQuest some months back. I'm pretty sure some people lost against that one and they were all too glad to have a very suitable counter-card. (But who am I to complain, I was guilty of the same thing by proving Tebok's arguer deck to be beatable. The joys of CCGs...)

And then of course, there had to be something done about little Wesley being a top ten personnel card. Like creating a risk when using the kid. But how big is this risk? If your opponent knows you are going to play a fast Fed deck, 100%. Just as high a probability as you putting Wes into a blue speed deck. If your opponent does not know what you are playing, much lower, as you can't just use Q's tent or a similar card to bring in a specialized Q-card when you have seen your opponent's deck, putting this hoser into your Q-continuum means losing one card if your opponent is playing without Wes or didn't play him yet.

So what can you do? When designing a Q-continuum side deck, think about what your opponent will do. If you think he'll play Fed, throw in 2 copies of Wesley gets the Point. Otherwise none. If you're unsure, stick with none and add an extra Penalty Box and/or Mandarin Bailiff, both quite effective against Bridge Crew decks and more versatile.

On the receiving end, if you fear that your opponent might use the card, surprise him by playing a Romulan Pseudo-Bridge crew deck with Galen, Nick Locarno, Roga Danar, Taris, Sirol, Rakal and a Soong-type Android or two. Just don't forget to exchange your missions when changing from Fed to Romulan ;-)

At least the title of the card is good fun with the triple meaning of "getting the point"

[There usually is a certain section here which I deny to leave in for today's card out of personal reasons]

Wesley's rating:                [CENSORED]
Allen's rating:                 4.000001
Cole's rating:                  4.000001
Data's rating:                  8.5 (change that emotion chip) 
Hal's rating:                   1.0
Jack's rating:                  4.5
Mot's rating:                   3.0
Nanite's rating:                0.000000000001 (err, that's illegal)
Nog's rating:                   1.0 (yes, I got the point of that)
Nouwa's rating:                 2.0
Picarde's rating:              10.0 (you're fired ! ;-) )
Q's rating:                     4.01
Ranger's rating:                7.0
Rothspar's rating:              6.0
Tebok's rating:                 1.0
Tony's rating:                  0.1 (uh, again illegal)
AVERAGE RATING:                 3.9

(Those 4.0something ratings were caused by the fact that I added a line saying "dare to rate this higher than 4 :-)" in the rating request, and some of my remarks are directed at the raters - don't try to figure them out, that's impossible...)

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher
Temporarily immortal STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"