another Dilemma for those of you who missed them:
Although the criteria are not too hard to overcome, this one WILL take time and when used in conjunction with a few other cards pretty much make a mission worthless (Try it with Cytherians under a mission your opponent relies on solving...)
It could also make for much fun with Birth of Junior, but unfortunately these two are too similar in both requiring ENGINEERs, so once the first is solved the second one becomes quite easy.
This card also combines quite well with the events (and interrupts)that damage a ship.
The sneakiest variant: If your opponent has few ships and an outpost on a space location, try placing it there. No more "free" mission solving that you cannot prevent with temporal rifts and other funny stuff...
Almost a staple in my speed decks - it gets me one turn and I do a lot of things in a single turn.
Wesley's rating: 7.5 Conner's rating: 4.0 Phil's rating: ??? (8.0/4.0; the former only against Rommies) Michael's rating: 7.4 Owen's rating: 8.2 Ian's rating: 7.3 Cole's rating: 6.6 Jack's rating: 7.3 Jason's rating: 7.5 Jeff's rating: 7.0 ---------------------- AVERAGE RATING: 7.0 (Not counting Phil's rating, I would not know how to calculate that into the average)
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Wesley Crusher, the new STCCG Lord
"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"