Wesley's STCCG card of the day #359

Hi, folks,

these online games are taking their toll on my schedules, but at least every now and then I manage to fit in another COTD like this:


Event, rare QC.
Plays on table. While in play, when a Klingon ship destroys any opponent's Klingon ship, winner scores points = loser's WEAPONS + SHIELDS. (Immune to Kevin Uxbridge).
"Powerful political 'houses' in Klingon society can form factions that vie for control. Gowron and his supporters defeated the forces of Duras in the civil war of 2367-68."
Well, if this card belongs somewhere, it definitely is not your deck. If you don't play Klingon, it belongs in your binder, that's for sure, and if you do use a powerful Klingon attack deck, it still does not belong in there, instead you'd be well advised to stock it in your Q's tent. Why? Geez, you can ask questions. This card requires you to destroy opposing Klingon ships to score any points. Now how probable is it that you'll get anything here if your opponent does not play Klingon? Right. About 0%. So play Klingon and put the card in your tent in the hopes of seeing your opponent play Klingons too. An event whose odds are pretty slim at a serious level (Klingon being the least played affiliation in the higher ranks of the online league and being the least successful there too :-( )

But of course you can afford a slot in your Q's tent if you use one anyway. So stick it in there and build a battle-oriented deck with lots of K'Vorts, Bynars, Captain's Log and Plasmadyne Relays (so you can hunt down opposing ships). Play Civil War (no fears of getting countered - it's immune unless somebody has the idea of playing Arbiter of Succession, so stock an Amanda or two as well). And while we're at scoring points off ship battles, why not include a few Data's Medals, Death Yells and Latinum Payoffs (use those Duras sisters!)? With the right Interrupts, you can easily get 40 points off a single reasonably well-staffed ship (9 Latinum, 5 for Death Yell, 10 for the Medals - on two different leaders - and 16 for the Bynar-enhanced ship). Worth about a full mission. Wait a second... Did I say worth one mission? Latinum, Death Yell, 2 Medals, Civil War, Captain's Log, Relay - that's 7 cards for the first ship I want to kill that way (and 4 for every further one). Ouch, this seems to be a lot! So I suppose this strategy won't work too well. So we are stuck with a few quick bonus points in case your Klingon battle deck is pitted against a less trigger-happy Klingon deck (Remember - the Civil War works for both players!)

Favorite combo(s):

Wesley's rating:                5.0
Allen's rating:                 5.0
Cole's rating:                  7.5
Cpt. Stasis' rating:            9.0
Data's rating:                  8.0 
Drew's rating:                  6.1
Gowron's rating:                8.4
Hal's rating:                   8.0
Jack's rating:                  6.0
Locutus' rating:                7.5
Mot's rating:                   5.5
Nanite's rating:                3.0 (weighted average of two incompatible numbers)
Nog's rating:                   8.0
Nouwa's rating:                 5.0
Picarde's rating:               6.0
Q's rating:                     7.0
Rothspar's rating:              8.0
Tania's rating:                 6.5
Tebok's rating:                 8.0
Tony's rating:                  8.5
AVERAGE RATING:                 6.7

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher
Temporarily immortal STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"