Wesley's STCCG card of the day #346

Hi, folks,

here's something really honorable for our red friends...


Personnel, Klingon, uncommon QC.
Integrity 6
Cunning 7
Strength 7
OFFICER, SECURITY, Transporter Skill, Honor. Scores 5 points when Korris or Konmel killed in battle. Command Star (*).
"Pursued the criminals Korris and Konmel in 2364 until their deaths on the U.S.S. Enterprise. Offered Worf a position in the Klingon Defense Force."
Yes, a truly honorable Klingon. But he can make for a less than honorable victory. Like a missionless deck!

How? First, you'll need to do some trading if you really want it to work because you'll want to have 10 each of Korris and Konmel. The rest of the draw deck should consist of 8 Rogue Borg and you'll need Lore Returns, Red Alert, the Traveler and a ship. Use powerful Dilemmas in your seed deck as you'll need about 12-14 turns. Also, put the key cards in a Q's Tent and use tents from your draw deck to get them. Report K'Nera and one of the treacherous Klingons. Play the ship, the Red Alert and the Traveler for card drawing. Next, beam the traitor to the ship and play 3 RB on it. (or 1 plus Crosis). Score 5 for eliminating your man. Play Lore returns, beam K'Nera to the planet, the RB to the Outpost and then K'Nera to the ship. Now you'll want to reinforce your RB to get a STRENGTH of 16 or higher (4 RB or 2 plus Crosis). Your turns now consist of reporting Korris and Konmel and waiting until they're both killed (two RB attacks per turn). You also score 10 for that. Repeat until you are at 80. Then beam K'Nera to the planet where you seeded a Sarjenka and Armus. Attempt the mission, get stopped (85), do one more RB battle set (95) and die from Armus. Complete your victory with a loud Death Yell.

The good thing? Your opponent cannot do anything about this deck short of blowing up your outpost or ship. Which will require a lot of weapon power. Bad thing? It's not that fast and a good deck will beat it by sheer speed (Stock Jamaharon or the Devil against Horga'hns).

[Hey Wes, this is not DOTW, you want to talk about single cards]

Oops, sorry, but that was the only thing I could say about this card. After all, who's interested in OFFICER, SECURITY, Honor and Transporter Skill anymore? Also, I didn't talk about a deck but about a 73-card combo (60+13) ;-)

Favorite combo(s):
Ratings for :

Wesley's rating:                6.0
Allen's rating:                 7.4
Cole's rating:                  8.5
Data's rating:                  8.8
Drew's rating:                  7.1
Gowron's rating:                6.5
Hal's rating:                   6.0
Jack's rating:                  6.4
Mot's rating:                   6.75
Nanite's rating:                8.0
Nog's rating:                   5.0
Nouwa's rating:                 7.0 (*)
Picarde's rating:               7.0 (*)
Q's rating:                     7.5
Ranger's rating:                6.9
Rothspar's rating:              7.0 (*)
Tebok's rating:                 7.0 (*)
Tony's rating:                  7.0 (*)
AVERAGE RATING:                 7.0 (*)

(*) Those 7.0s still seem to be on sale ;-)

Please direct all email concerning card of the day to: crusher@kiss.de

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Wesley Crusher
Temporarily immortal STCCG Lord

"A couple of lightyears can't keep good friends apart"